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and when you're done, just give it a tap and say

these are the rules of Hogwarts. 
do not dare disobey them. 
they are given to you by Albus Dumbledore. 
yes, definitely him.

please be patient with me.
I am not able to be on 24/7 so please don't take it personally if I don't respond right away.  if you wish to tag me, then you may do it every three hours. 

please, no smut.
self explanatory, correct?  no smut, as simple as that.  thank you!

you may curse as much as your heart desires. 
just censor it.
ex)f u ck/fück/f*ck
thank you! 

please be as descriptive as possible. 
at least give me three lines.  that way we both have something to work with. 

no god modding ocs. 
no one is perfect, therefore, neither is your oc. 

you may play as many characters as you would like
I can't play them all, right? 

you may use up to two ocs per role play. 
(the amount of role plays you do at a time is unlimited)

add however much drama you please. 
we want it to be interesting, right? 

do not take control of my oc.
I won't take yours.

we will play each other's crushes.
you play mine; I play yours

please role play in third person.
I just feel like it's a little easier to understand that way. 

mischief managed
(pass 1)

favorite character
(pass 2)

hate the character, not the person.
I don't hate you, please don't hate me.

most importantly: HAVE FUN!!
I mean it! it may sound bland and generic but I really want you to enjoy your time here! this is Hogwarts after all!

Mischief Managed }} A Harry Potter Role Play Where stories live. Discover now