"Puzzle Pieces"

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It had been a week since you'd seen (His name) and you were starting to worry, despite the fact that this wasn't the first time that this had happened and not would it be the last. You were used to him locking himself away and living out of his studio for days on end and you prided yourself on the fact that you weren't one of 'those' girlfriends that were overly clingy and that you understood that his work came first. But now you were starting to worry. You hadn't heard from him in 4 days, not a single peep and that was a first. Was he sleeping? Was he eating? You drew your lower lip between your teeth, staring mindlessly at the television playing some music show in the background that you weren't paying attention to, debating internally with yourself. You released your bitten lip with a huff, pushing yourself to your feet and making your way to your front door, grabbing your bag as you went. You made your way through the deserted hallways, a bag of chicken dangling from one hand as you meandered you way toward your boyfriend's studio. You stepped onto the doormat, smiling slightly at the cat that deterred most people from knocking, let alone trying to enter. A swearing cat wasn't very inviting. You punched in the code, pulling open the door and stepping quietly inside before pulling the door shut behind you. You blinked as your eyes tried to adjust to the lighting, the dark room only lit by the monitors on the desk. Once your eyes fell on (His name), your lips pulled into a softer smile, nothing the way that his chest rose and fell gently, his hair flopping over his forehead and his lips slightly parted in sleep. He hadn't even left his desk chair to move to the futon, obviously falling asleep as he worked. Your feet sank into the plush carpet as you made your way over to him, sinking down onto your knees as your reached out to brush his hair back from his forehead. He stirred when he felt your touch, his eyes blinking up at you groggily as he pulled himself from his sleep.

Him: "Baby? What are you doing here?"

~He asked you quietly, voice husky from sleep and your smile grew even more at the sound of it~

You: "I just wanted to check on you, you've been working hard. I brought you chicken."

He blinked at you a couple of times, his eyes tracing the lines of your face before he reached out to grasp your hand in his own, linking his fingers with your own and rubbing the back of your hand with his thumb.

Him: "Thank you, I'm starving actually. I can always count on you to take care of me."

~He murmured, his eyes looking into yours as you smiled up at him~

You: "Well someone has to. You should eat and then get some sleep on the futon. You know, the thing you're actually supposed to sleep in?"

~You quipped, your soft smile now a grin as you helped him to his feet~

He smiled at you gently, tugging you closer with your joined hands as he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, knowing that despite the fact that you were joking, you really did care. He glanced down at your joined hands.

Him: "I love the way that your hand fits in mine... It's as though you were made just for me, we fit together like two pieces of a puzzle."

~He murmured, voice barely above a whisper as he looked into your eyes, thumb once again tracing patterns into your skin~

You leaned up to press your lips to his in a fleeting kiss before pulling away, shooing him over to the futon and going to get the chicken.

You: "I love you but can we save the soft stuff for after you've eaten? And slept where you're actually meant to sleep?"

He gave you a small smile as you settled yourself onto the futon beside him, tucking your feet underneath you and a box of chicken in each hand as you looked at him expectantly.

Him: "How about a compromise? I'll save it until after we've eaten but I want you to stay with me for a while. Let me be uncharacteristically soft while I hold you. I've missed you."

~He asked, reaching out to take on of the boxes from you~

You pretended to contemplate his 'compromise', giggling when you took too long and he poked you in the side.

You: "Okay, deal."

~You responded, smiling happily as you both dug into your chicken~


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2021 ⏰

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