1 - earlier that day

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Matt looked at his boyfriend not wanting to interrupt his sleep, but he had to wake him up for work.

"Good morning Sunshine!" Eugene tried to pretend to be still asleep, but his lips formed to a smile. Waiting what the other guy would do, he kept his eyes closed. 

Matt leaned for a kiss. "What do you want for breakfast, sweetie?"

"Euhaa-aaah", Eugene yawned, "sorry, uhm breakfast, I don't know, some boiled eggs would be nice" Eugene said and stretched his arms.

When he got out of the bed, he put on black joggers and on the way to kitchen pulled over his grey tank top. A nice smell came into his nostrills. Matt was preparing our breakfast only in his undies, as always. Eugene hugged him from the back and put his head on his shoulder. 

"Smells really good." he admired. 

"The meal or me?" Matt asked giggling. 

"Both, silly." Eugene moved his hands to his boyfriend's chest and tightened the hug. He took advantage of the opportunity to kiss Matt's neck.

"Heey, babe, I don't have time for this, I need to get ready." Matt said and broke apart from the hug to lay the plates on the table.

"I can help you with that," Eugene offered, "what do you want to eat at work?" 

Matt looked at him suspiciously "why are you asking that?"

"You know," Eugene continued "today I'm going to the office a bit later so I figured I could make you something for lunch, you'd also have more time to get ready." 

"But Eugene, you never cook." Matt said ignoring Eugene's naughty subtle offer.

Yep, he's right, Eugene said to himself maybe I'm becoming a housewife. "You know, there's a first time for everything, so what would you like?" 

"Uhmm, okay. Just make something edible, please." 

That was Eugene's chance, his boyfriend probably still hasn't realised today was their Valentine's day!

Oh sorry, I'll explain...

Eugene's mom is arriving next week and staying at their place for a week, so they had to move their Valentine's day on another day. And picked today, because Eugene has more free time today, and also he and the other Try guys moved their Valentine on this day, as they are filming a thematic video today, with gifts for their S/O-s. That's also convenient because Miles is planning a party on 14th of February and Keith and Zach are going there with their S/O-s, so maybe if my mom wasn't here, we would go to the party, too.


Matt gave his boyfriend a peck an the cheek and went to his car carrying a lunch bowl in his right hand. He put it on the back seats and drived to work.

A few hours in work, he started to feel hungry, that's when the face palm moment came - "Oh shit, my lunch bowl!" Luckily for him, it was still quite cold outside, at least for LA, so his food didn't turn to a disgusting mess.

When he was opening the bowl on his office table, to his surprise a pleasant smell entered his nostrills. He turned the lid up and put it on the table, noticing a sticky note on it. 

"There's a surprise waiting for you at home, but bring some wine, please. Enjoy your meal <3"

"Oh my god, I love him so much", Matt thought and smiled, or did he say that? He didn't know, but could totally imagine his colleagues' faces if they catched him talking to nobody and grinning on a lunch bowl.


Eugene didn't have to wonder too long to get an idea for Matt's Valentines gift. Even though he knows his boyfriend doesn't like romantic gifts per say, he also knows that little love gestures, as the lunch, sticky note or a romantic text mean a lot to him. 

But for that Valentines gift video, Eugene decided to play it safe, and made a gift for his dogs instead. Just to be sure if Matt somehow didn't notice the sticky note, he decided to send him a photo of doggy's cakes and a text "you'll get something too and I don't mean dogs treats ;) (check the lid if you haven't already)"

Matt saw his screen lit up, so he grabbed his phone and opened the new message received from his boyfriend.

"God damn it Eugene, how can I think about business now?" he thought after reading it.

Right after his shift ended, he went to grocery to buy some white wine. His eyes stopped on deserts 'make this Valentine's day to be remembered' . That was when it all clicked for him.

"How can I be this stupid? It was soo obvious - the lunch, stick note, message. Jesus, I'm so dumb! Almost forgot about it, fuck me.." he continues to curse himself in thoughts, as he wanders around the shelves.

After paying he proudly carries 2 bottles of expensive alcohol to his car, some brand of Chardonnay and Angel's Envy bourbon, Eugene's favourite or daddy's favourite as his boyfriend jokingly says.

While driving home, remembering Eugene's mood in the morning, his mind started to wonder. What did Eugene mean by surprise? Why the wine? Maybe he prepared a dinner, or perhaps himself, yeah that sounds more like Eugene... 

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