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Jia's POV

Someone knocked on the door and opened it "You going somewhere?"

"Y-Yeah" I answered

"Why are stuttering? Are you okay?" he asked and sat on the chair

"I'm fine, just nervous" I took a deep breath

"Where are you going?" he asked again

"I will meet Minho's family for the first time" I answered and looked at myself in the mirror

"Ah that's why you're nervous. I still can't believe you are secretly dating him for 3 years. You're really grown up" Blair

If only you knew, Blair.

"Is he a nice guy?" Blair

"He is a nice guy. He always ask for my permission and such. He always text me and ask how my day went" I answered

"I still can't believe it. If my classmates didn't tell me I wouldn't know. He announced that he is dating someone and it's obviously your picture on the article but blur. Why didn't he mentioned your name?" Blair

"He wants me to have privacy and also my family, you guys. Aren't you mad at me, Blair?" I asked

"I already told you yesterday. I'm not mad as long as you know what's right and wrong. This is much better than you making such trouble in school. I finally realized you are grown up and you are even dating someone" Blair said

I saw him smiling through mirror's reflection.

"Aren't you going to tell Mom and Dad?" I asked

"I'm not the one who's dating. You should tell them when you're ready" Blair stood up and opened the door

"Blair" I called

He looked at me.

I quickly ran and hugged him tight "Thank you for trusting me, Blair"

"No worries" Blair smiled and left my room

I looked at myself and smile. Are you really a grown up, Jia? If you are, I am proud of you. You're doing really great.

I sighed. Why am I nervous?

What does suit me? Should I tie my hair or not? Aaaaah.

"Let your hair down" Blair said as soon as he opened the door "A guy named Minho is waiting for you outside"

"Hmm. I'll go down" I said and watched him leave

I removed my hair's tie and carried my bag with me. I quickly went outside and saw Blair talking with Minho.

"Shall we?" I asked

"Both of you take care. Make sure to bring her home before 9" Blair

"I will" Minho smiled at him

We hop in the car and I opened the window "Thank you" I mouthed to Blair. He just nodded and smiled.

I closed the window as Minho started driving.

"What did you guys talked about?" I asked

"Boys' talk, you can't know" Minho said while looking at the road

I took a deep deep deep breath. I don't know why I feel so nervous. You are doing great, Jia.

"Why do I feel so nervous?" I asked Minho

𝙼𝚢 𝚂𝚒𝚍𝚎 𝚂𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜#𝟹 |𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝙼𝚒𝚗𝚑𝚘|Where stories live. Discover now