Chapter 1

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"Dinner ready!" I hear my mum, Colette (mommytard) yell from down stairs. I hear her talking to the camera. I run down the stairs with emmi (babytard) along with holding daxton. My mother turned of the camera as daddy was blogging and would playfully yell at her to stop. And being the shaytards house hold we get cameras shoved in our face. After dinner me and emmi have cheerleading do we go and get ready. On the way there I'm being the sassy princesstardd everyone knows and loves and saying I'm soooo gonna land the back handspring at cheerleading today. Emmi keeps going on to the camera about what her amaricin girl doll name is now, she always changes her name. Mummy suddenly pulled out the camera and explained to the viewers that were going to cheer. When mum was going to turn of the camera I blurted out "good bye fablings!". Emmi got in a fit of laughter. Mum turned of the camera. "What was that all about miss Avia butler?" She was doing her best not to giggle as she had to concentrate on the road. " I don't know it just came to me, and they are fabulous" I simply answered like it's no biggy". We pulled up in the drive way of the cheer place and we jumped out and ran Into the building. After a while mum started flogging again just in time for emmi to land her first ever back handspring. Sophia, witch is mean girl in our cheer class said "oh little baby emmi landed her first back handspring, Ha I can do way better" emmi almost burst into tears and being the good big sister I am I made a combat. "We'll I don't see you doing back handsprings without a spotter like emmi and I do you?". Sophia went silent. "Would you like some ice for the burn?" Emmi said sticking up for herself. I swear she gets her sassy ass from me. After about a hour we finished and went home. We never tell mum or dad about Sophia and the way she is to us because they will make I big deal out of it. Not long after we got home we went to bed. "Thanks for sticking up for my Abia" emmi whispered. "Any time emmi, night, love you" I whispered back. I think that burn can be the best one of the year! I thought to myself as I heard emmi snoring softly. Not long after I fell asleep.

My point of view (shaytards fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang