Hot Bath || YunGi [M+F]

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The large windows of the KQ Entertainment headquarter shone in the lights of the street lamps, making the building an immense mirror; the empty offices, which with their chaotic desks indicated the frenetic work of a few hours earlier, gave a feeling of quiet and silence.

The dark corridors followed each other creating an intricate carpet path,while the notes of a song chased each other outside the ajar door of the rehearsal room 3.

The time was 9:17 pm and the rest of the group had been gone for three hours.

Yunho was breathing heavily, trying to regulate the beating of his heart; the boy finally stopped after hours of practice to recheck some points of the choreography on which he had doubts in, continuing to dance with dedication.

He put the cell phone in the bag, taking out a towel and a bottle of water; with absent-minded gestures he wiped his sweaty and red face, inhaling the scent of clean and soap from the towel, and then wrapped it around his neck and attached his lips to the bottle, draining it entirely.

He stuffed everything in the bag at random, going towards the exit and turning off the lights in the rehearsal room: he was tired, he had tried a lot but ends up without the desired result; at that moment h ejust wanted to go home and slip into the tub to take a nice hot bath, impatient to wash away the sense of irritation and frustration that weighed down his mood.

He walked quickly to the dormitory, looking pensive and paying little attention to his surroundings; he slipped the key into the lock and screamed "I'm home" but not even a single sound was heard; the house is completely dark, an eerie silence filled the room, making Yunho understand that the others had probably gone out.

Carelessly shrugging his shoulders, he headed for his room, thinking that he would finally have time to relax alone.

He opened the bedroom door wide, leaving the bag on the bed and starting to undress immediately, impatient to take off those still damp clothes and with a bad smell; he crumpled the dirty clothes, throwing them in the laundry basket in a bad imitation of a basketball player.

Butt naked, he went to the bathroom humming to an English song, anticipating the moment when he would finally bask in the heat of thewater.

Arriving in front of the bathroom, he opened the door wide, being immediately hit by a hot wave of steam: the lights inside the room were on and a pleasant warmth collided with his undressed body.

Slightly bewildered he advanced inside the dressing room, mentally making a note to remind others not to leave the lights on and to open the window after a hot bath.

Still immersed in his thoughts, he had advanced to the edge of the tub, noticing only in that instant a pair of amused eyes that stared at him from head to toe.

"When are you going to realized that I'm here?" Mingi asked, smiling slyly at his friend.

Yunho jumped in surprise, looking stupidly at the other boy who was placidly soaking in the water.

It took Yunho a while to blush, realizing that he was completely naked in front of the other.

"Mingi ah, I didn't know you were at home ..." he stammered, trying to cover himself as best as he could.

Mingi, trying not to burst into laughter in the boy's face, shook his head slightly.

"Don't tell me you're shy with me, Yunho ah, we practically grew up together!"

Blushing even more, Yunho sighed sadly, nudging Mingi to withdraw his legs to make room for him.

"I was hoping to enjoy some peace and relaxation, an unachievable purpose now that you are here too."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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