the quest for the all might sexy baked beans

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so ass u all know nicki minaj stole my sexy beans. she obviously couldnt resist them because they were just too sexy (jealous much smh 🙄💅)

so anyways i couldnt catch up to nicki (because i am a fatass and i cant run because im out of shape) so i went back to my bedroom and cried for about 69 minutes. but then i remembered a quote from a wise person, "im a bad bitch you cant kill me" (its honestly so empowering) and i got all my supplies. i took 69 cans of beans with sausages (i didnt say sexy beans with sausages because only plain beans are sexy and the sausages are gross anyways), my LED lights so i could make tiktoks and some water (because its part of my skincare routine). then i left the house because i was getting bored. anyways i was walking and then i noticed jacob sartorious in the distance. I FUCKING HATE HIM!1!1!!1!1!!!1!1 so i beat him up and strangled him with my LED lights.

(time skip cause i have no creativity)

ok so now i need to find nickis ho- omg i found her house!1?1!?1 (she was quite obviously in the window twerking and having a seizure because she cant stop singing roman holiday) anyways i came to her house and broke her fucking door down because i dont have her keys. (i lost them)

i barge into her room and i shout, "maam, give me my sexy beans back pls i am a starving child and i need to be fed"
and she said "ok sorry, here u go" (lol get pranked that never happened)

she actually said, "bitch, idc these beans are sexy and im about to eat them all up" so i fucking threw myself at her and snatched her weave while screaming, "this is what u get for taking my fucking beans u lil bitch" and then she passes out so i steal back the sexy beans and naruto run back to my house.

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