ii- hate and love

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Sirius Black had, had enough

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Sirius Black had, had enough. Every day, insulted by his parents, not allowed to go over to his friends' as they were blood traitors, and half-bloods, and hated by his own family, other than Pheobe.

    Rule number one of the Noble House of Black.

    Boys don't cry.

    The first time he has cried after he had gotten out of the age of a baby, was when he was six, and he had fallen off his broom, and broken his hand. He had gotten a huge lecture from my father, who didn't even seem to care that his six year old son was hurt, on the fact that boys shouldn't cry. His mother, had, gone so far as to slap him on the face for crying. His father had to be coaxed by Phoebe to not use the cruciatus curse on Sirius to teach him a lesson.

    And after that, he had learnt his lesson.

    Boys don't cry.

     But he had cried after that all the same, and someone had seen it too. James. He immediately started pestering him to tell him what for, for even he, figured out that something must be serious if Sirius was actually crying. Knowing James, Sirius knew that he wouldn't stop bothering him until he told him. So he told him. Everything. Phoebe, Regulus, his Mother, Father. Everything.

    After listening to everything, he told Sirius to run away from home and come with him. Sirius had thought about it, but he denied. He begged and begged, but he denied. He even offered to take Phoebe too, but Sirius laughed humourlessly. Did he really think that Phoebe would stay at Jame's home of all people, that Phoebe would run away from home like that?

    James couldn't deny the fact that Phoebe would never oblige so he shut up. But, in these holidays, Sirius just couldn't take it anymore. He was leaving. If Phoebe cared about him, she would accept it, accept the fact that her twin brother just couldn't take it anymore.

    So he packed his bags, which was easy, considering he didn't have much. He didn't like those snobby expensive trinkets his relatives sometimes gave him, so he usually just threw them away. The only things he had were clothes, things Phoebe, James, Remus, and Peter had given me, or pictures of him and Phoebe, or him and his friends, or Hogwarts things, and letters.

    He felt that Phoebe had a right to see him for the last time in their house, and have everything explained to her in person. So he sneaked over to her bedroom and slightly opened the door. It creaked so much, that he backed off.

   Shit. Shit. Shit.

   He rethought everything that he was doing for about ten minutes before trying to open the door again, and this time, he heard a shout immediately after the creak of the door.


"Sirius!" Phoebe whisper-yelled, Sirius clamped a hand over her mouth and she slapped it off, "What in the world are you doing here at this time, and why do you have bags?"

"Shut it, Phee! Or you'll have the whole house down here." Sirius hissed, and Phoebe frowned, "Listen, it's kind of difficult. I don't know where to begin." Sirius stuttered.

"The beginning would be a great place." Phoebe snapped at the black-haired boy.

"Alright, keep your hair on!" Sirius retorted, "So, umm . . . I'm-kind-of-running-away-from-home-and-staying-with-james-until-I-become-of-age."


Sirius breathed in deeply and repeated himself, clearly, "I'm running away and going to James' house to stay, until I become of age."

    Phoebe froze in her tracks. A few tears threatened to escape her eyes, but she quickly blinked them away. He was supposed to be her brother, he was be there for her.

"Very well." she finally said, "You've made your choice, I've made mine."

"No, Phee it doesn't have to be this way! You could come with me?" Sirius asked, knowing what the answer would be, but he asked all the same.

"Come with you?" she laughed, "you're insane, that's what you are. Get the hell out of my room."

"Phoebe, no . . . " Sirius tried to begin.

"Now." Phoebe said.

    Sirius knew better than to do anything when her mind was made up, he gave her one last glance, before he parted his ways.

And that was the first time, that Sirius Black broke Phoebe Black's heart.

    The floor creaked as Sirius reached the foreplace. He took a fistful of floo powder, from a pot on the floor. He bent down on his knees, to fit into the fireplace, and threw the floo powder in there

"The Potter Mansion!"

He coughed from the floo powder going through his air tube and to his lungs before running a hand through his hair, to ruffle it up, and down his face, to remove some of the soot from the fireplace from his face, and got up from his knees. He heard footsteps rushing into the room. A hand came into vision, holding up a lantern, and lighting up a very excited, James Potter.

"Padfoot!" he said, excitedly.

"Prongs!" Sirius smiled the first time, after the fiasco with his sister.

    And thus, too un-biological brothers reunited, and two biological twins seperated, parting ways, choosing different paths. For now.

"Padfoot!" James sing-songingly came up to Sirius, his hands loaded with all types of treats like, chocolate cauldrons, sugar quils, chocolate frogs, pumpkin pasties and many more, "Look what I got!"

    Sirius tried to smile at him, but it came out all wobbly and watery. James frowned and thumped down next to me, popping a drooble in his mouth,

"What's wrong, Padfoot?"

    Sirius tugged at my hair and let myself fall back, and stared up at the ceiling. A single drop of sweat fell down his forehead, "I— I don't know Prongs." He stuttered out at the boy, "I hated being back there, and all I could think about was coming to live with you, but now that I'm here, I can't stop thinking about what I've done. Left Phobe, all alone. I just— I wish I didn't have to choose . . . "

James nodded in understanding and Sirius continued on with his rant, "You know, I really love her, but I can't bear to live in that house, every day, being reminded of the disgrace I am to the family. At first I didn't care, but when you repeatedly keep hearing the same words over and over again, they stay in you mind, and make you depressed. I— I just had to come here, but, I— I want Phoebe to be here with me as well. She pretends to not care about what is happening in that house, but I know that it's killing her from the inside, she's just— just better at hiding it then I am. I don't want to leave her there, Prongs!"

James ran his hand down his face, "I know, mate, but you know she would never come here. I'd be glad to take her in, you know. I've always liked her. Well — except for the fact that she's friends with Snivellus."

"I hate her, but I love her."

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