Chapter Four

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That day was the last day Marvis came to church. So many people wondered why she stopped coming to church, but Abel
and I knew exactly why. And even though I was not happy that she had to stop coming to church just to show me how much she was unhappy, there was nothing I could do.

Preparations for my wedding had already started and it was only few weeks left. One evening I was busy arranging the cards according to the persons I wanted to invite for my wedding, and then I hear the door bell ring. I stood to open and behind it was Marvis.

"Dani hi, (she said all full of smile)

I was very shocked because I know how we parted the last time we saw.  "Marvis, what are you doing here?" I asked tentatively

"Is that the welcome you are suppose to give a friend?" She raised her left brow in askance

"Am so sorry, please come in."

"Thank you." She comes in and takes her seat while looking around

"Marvis where have you been? You just disappeared without any trace or word to anybody."

"Dani am so sorry about that. Infact it is the major reasons am here."

"Really?" I asked adjusting my seat with curiosity

"I came to apologise to you and Brother Abel for my outburst the other day, It was uncalled for and I am so sorry. I owe you Dani my heartfelt apology. Please accept it."

"Its okay Marvis, we don't chose for our hearts who they chose to love. So its okay."

"You mean you are no longer angry with me?" She asked  with an unnamed smile

"No Marvis its ok."

" Really?! Wow Dani you are really an angel (she rushes to me and gives me a tight hug, I felt like she would never let me go, but finally she did.) Am really so grateful to you. Where is Brother Abel I need to apologise to him too" she asked while looking around again

"Oh he went out but will soon be back.

"he will be back in an hour right?"

"Yes he should be back by then, I think."

"Okay I will check him up on my way out so I can tell him sorry too."

I laughed akwardly while gesturing widely "That's ok, Is it rally necessary

"I hope you are okay with it?"

"Of course I have no problem Sister Marvis.

"And you ain't scared that I will try to steal your man?" She have that wild glint in her eyes again

"No am not."

"Why is that?"

"Because I trust my man, and that goes a long way my dear ,cap it with immense love"

Sister Marvis smiles and looked at me.
"Its alright Dani, see you later.

"No problem Marvis. Later, will see you at the wedding right?!Bye

"Yes you will; Bye"

She greeted me with a wave and walks off, while I stand to see her walk away and my heart reach out to her.


The next day being a Sunday

I decided to stop at Abel's place so that we can go to church together as usual. When I got there, I felt the atmosphere was not fair but I couldn't place my hand on anything. I looked around me if anything or anyone was around but I saw no one. And so I just knocked on the door.

I could hear Abel from inside, I know he was fully ready for church. I knocked again and then he ran to the door and opened. He was looking like the kind of man I would be proud of as my husband. Sharp and handsome. with that smile that I love, I smiled as I imagined so many things on my head.
I couldn't wait for Saturday to come to finally say I do to him.

"Good morning handsome,'' I said beaming with smiles.

"Good morni... Holy Lord, something is smelling. What is smelling around here.? He covers up his nose and looks wirdly around

I turned and looked around me but couldn't find anything, I could not even smell whatever it was that was smelling so bad that Abel had to cover his nose. He also walked passed me and looked around but didn't see anything.

"I can't smell anything  dear. I only came to see if you were already dressed so that we can go to church together"

"Oh honey, I don't think you can wait for me today. (He runs inside and carried his Bible, a jotter and handed it over to me. Take these and keep a very good seat for me beside you Ok?" He said smiling while still holding his nose

"But you are already dressed. Let's go together, let's chat along the way. You know our wedding is Saturday and I won't be around till that day. I will be going to my parents place from church and we won't be seeing until that day. So please let's use this opportunity to chat before I leave"

"I know all of this honey, but am having a running stomach and you won't be able to wait for me and I don't want you to be  late for church so please go ahead and I will join you okay? (he gave me a kiss on my head forcing me to smile). I will join you soonest sweetheart. Don't worry"

"Its alright, but can't I stay and take care of you?  I don't mind"

"See my sweetheart worrying over me (he said jokingly, but i can see he was getting slightly irritated "...Don't worry dear, I am fine and I will join you later"

"Okay then, see you soonest"
I said disappointedly. I really wanted us to walk hand in hand to church and now this. I walked away quietly, I will wait for him in church and ask him if Marvis visited him and what she said. I have a lot of things to discuss with him before going over to my parents house. I smiled to myself as I remembered how sharp he was looking when he came out of the house. I started singing to God who made it possible for him to be mine.


I think something is wrong somewhereeee...

I love cliffhangers 😘
Abel watsup?!
★ ★

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