The Interview

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"Hello Charlie, my name is Rosa. Do you mind if I sit down?" The tall woman with the briefcase asks.

I continue to stare down at my cuffed wrists resting on the table in front of me. Unmoving. Rosa Takes this as an invitation and takes a seat across from me on the beat up metal folding chair.

" I'm here to talk to you about your... Special gift. " Rosa pulls a notepad and pen from her briefcase and opens it up. " Are you okay with talking to me about that?"

" Do I have a choice?" I mumble to her, staring her down as best I can.

She glances from me to her notebook awkwardly for a few seconds. " You always have a choice. You can either talk to me or I can leave right now and the officers outside that door, " She points to the locked, steel door five feet away from us. " Can take you back to your cell."

I sigh heavily. Talking to people about my gift is how I got dragged here in the first place. I crave normal human contact. I'm done with the interviews and tests. What choice do I have though? I either cooperate and teach the government workers about my power, or I refuse to cooperate and they kill me out of fear. Humans always fear what they can't understand, and fear leads to violence.

" What are we doing this time? Tests about my mental capacity or my emotional state? Questions about my childhood? Simple tests with marbles or a pen?"

Rosa Jots something down then smiles up at me. " Yes to the childhood. I thought we could play a game of cards while we talked. Would you like that?"

A card game is different than all the others. Usually if they want to play a game, it's chess or something. " What game do you have in mind?" I ask, watching as she pulls a deck of cards our from her bag and starts shuffling them.

" Go fish."

I stare at her. What would go fish show her about me? I haven't played that game since I lived at home with my family nearly ten years ago. My parents used to love playing that game with me as a kid. I think it reminded them that even though I have this power, I'm still a normal kid at heart. They used to hate my gift. They tried to get me to stop using it. To be normal. They were scared of me. But when we played cards, I was normal.

I nod. " I'll need my hands to play cards." I lift my cuffed and gloved hands from the table to emphasize my inability to hold anything right now.

" Of course.. " She glances behind her at the one- sided glass. There are people watching us on the other side. We can't see them though. She knows the rules. Don't give the freak freedom. Rosa stands up and walks over to me, she's shaking slightly. I wonder if she knows exactly what my gift is and how powerful it is. Does she know I could kill her the second my hands are free? Does she know I could destroy this entire facility in under ten minutes? If I wasn't being controlled by the kills switch in my neck...

I watch as she undoes the snaps on the gloves and pulls a booby pin from her hair to pick the love on the cuffs. It takes her fumbling hands a good minutes to get it. She pulls the gloves off and releases the cuffs, letting them fall onto the table. I roll my wrists and stretch my cramped fingers.

She walks back over to her side of the table and starts dealing the cards. "Please don't make me regret trusting you."

I smile. Trust is a dangerous thing to offer somebody you don't have a connection with. When she is done dealing the cards, I point my finger at my pile and flex that oh so strong muscle in my brain. Rosa's jaw drops as she watches the cards float in mid-air towards me. Filing themselves into an organized fan. My day just got a little better. She didn't believe I actually had telekinetic abilities.

" O-okay, let's start with your name."

" Charlie Brenton. " I make her cards fly over to me as I set up a game of solitaire. She knits her eyebrows together but says nothing about it, writing down my answer.

" When did you first realize you had a gift?"

" When I was three. I wanted a cookie from off the counter but couldn't reach. I guess I wanted it badly enough, because it moved itself directly into my reaching hand."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2020 ⏰

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