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It was a quiet day in the sky kingdom, there were few birds chirping as they flew by.  Not a single breeze swept through the castle.

Queen Swoop sat on her throne, accompanied by her daughter, Princess Ember. One of Swoop's guards arrived in the hallway. "What is it, Steam?" The queen snapped at her guard. "An egg is hatching." she said briefly. Queen Swoop shot up immediately. "Get it's parents!" she ordered, blasting off towards the hatchery.

Swoop had an obsession with watching the eggs hatch and if the dragonet inside of it looked weak, she would snap their heads off.  She hoped this one would be strong so she could train them and one day make them her general. Or at least a trusted soldier.

She also had a few rules, Number one, any SkyWing was her soldier. She had always believed that,  even the SkyWings that didn't live in her kingdom were her soldiers. 'You're either in or out,' She always said. 'There's no where in between.' If you didn't want to be a soldier then she would simply kill you. Number two, her prisoners were her property, and her slaves. Number three, she made the rules and no one could ever say no to them except for her. Number four, challenges for the throne were forbidden.

At last, they had made it to the hatchery. To the side of the hatchery there was a red-gold egg with cracks down it's sides, showing that it was hatching. They waited around the egg. Glider, Swoop's brother and the egg's father was sitting beside the queen, head down with an anxious look in his eyes. "You have another heir." He whispered, looking up. "Not for long. . ." The queen said slyly.

"Daze." She looked up at the mother of the SkyWing egg. "Yes, your majesty?" Daze stood up. "Go get Steam and tell her to prepare an arena battle, I hope to show the little one a few early battle moves." Daze hesitated but she knew she could easily be killed so she obediently did as she was told.

The egg had fully hatched now and the small dragonet slid out of the shell. She was rather small but she had fire in her eyes telling everyone to back off. She was a dark, crimson color with black horns talons and tail tip. She had a few lighter red colored splotches on her scales with a pink talon that looked similar to a glove. Daze rushed into the room, smiling as she saw her dragonet. "She's beautiful. . ." She whispered to Glider. Queen Swoop held the small dragonet in her arms.

"I know she's weak but please don't hurt her!" Daze screamed, on the verge of tears. "She's not, and I won't." She spat. Daze looked relieved, her face still sparkled with tears. "You're lucky, Daze. Please take her to your home, Glider, follow me." They nodded their heads saying, "Yes, your majesty." in unison.

Swoop strode down the passageway to her chambers. She opened the door and gestured for him to step inside. He stepped inside with an awkward stumble. Queen Swoop closed the door behind her. "That little dragonet of yours will never be royalty, her mother's not and she'll never know you existed." She paused looking at her brother. "She may not challenge my daughter for the throne, though she shall be trained by me to be my general." She continued. "But now, we need to get my plan into action." She said. In seconds the queen was on top of her brother, sinking her talons into his neck. "Bye-bye little brother." She whispered, slamming her foot onto his neck until she heard a satisfying crack. She dragged the body outside and pointed at two guards. "You two! Take this body to the MudWing border and pretend he died trying to save you." The two guards nodded, taking the body with them.

Daze rushed into the room, her dragonet still in her arms. "Have you finally got a name for her?" she asked. Daze nodded. "I think Hurricane will do nicely. Oh, where's Glider?" Swoop kept a straight face. " I sent him on a MudWing border patrol. Also Hurricane is a lovely name." Daze nodded in agreement. "Hurricane it is." She smiled.

Okay I know it's a long prologue but I just wanted to explain things and yeah, hope you like It.


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