Chapter 4- William Peck

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Chapter 4: William Peck

I lay in bed the next morning, Varys' gift safely kept hidden under my pillow. I should have guessed what it was; he had given me a packet of moon tea.

"Oh Varys." I whispered as the early morning rays hit my cot by the window.

I quickly rushed around putting on my rough spun dress and straightening anything that was out of place. I had to rush down the stairs and took three trips up and down the stairs carrying warmed water up to Sansa's ornate, claw- footed tub. I shook Sansa slightly until she woke up and then I was again off in a rush to get her dress and bath soaps ready. I pulled Sansa's robe out and placed it softly on the bed, made her covers. Sansa lazily put on her robe and walked carefully over to the balcony. She stood there her Tully blue eyes shining and for once she looked young and happy.

"Sansa can I get you anything for you to break- fast?" I asked her quietly not wanting to break her peaceful mood.

She turned around towards me,

"Just some bread and cheese will do well and maybe something warm to drink." She said surprisingly still happy, "But hurry up I have to tell you my wonderful dream."

"Of course miss," It was good to see the girl happy and she was making my need for warmed water, just this much easier.

I took the moon tea and then I was off down the stairs, through the servants' entrance and into the kitchens. The smells hit me, oh how I wished I could be a high born lady, if only for a day, to be able to eat this heavenly food. The cooks were already bustling around the kitchens, starting on the noon meals.

"Yes, miss?" a small, dark haired girl asked me.

"Oh, hello; yes, um, Lady Sansa wants some breads and cheeses, oh and a pot of boiled water for tea." I told her.

"Give me just a second, miss," she said and ran off to get Sansa's food and my tea.

As I waited I shoved my hand into my pocket, the moon tea thankfully was still there. I looked around the kitchens and there a boy caught my eye. He was tall and well muscled, with dark hair. He was near the fire and I could see the fire flickering off his gold colored eyes. He was looking at me intently and when he saw that he had caught my eye, he smirked. I felt my cheeks color.

"I have no time for boys." I thought as I climbed up the stairs, careful not to spill anything off the tray.

He was the type of boy that made me wish I wasn't a lady's hand maiden. Oh well, I thought letting an exasperated sigh escape my lips. I had no time for the un-named boy and his smoldering stares, I had to seduce the steward from Dragonstone.

It would be hard to find him, this Willam Peck, I had my work cut out for me. Thankfully the use of moon tea would allow me safety for a moon cycle's time. Today Sansa had been requested by the Queen Regent and His Royal Highness for an outing around King's Landing. I would have plenty of time to go about my personal business.

I was in front of the door so I propped it open with my foot and walked inside, towards the balcony. I prayed for probably the first time in my life that Sansa would not drink all the tea.

"M'lady" I said to Sansa who was still in a reasonably good mood. She was holding a beautiful silk doll, it had human hair the color of sunsets and eyes the color of a clear sky.

She looked up at me a small smile playing across her lips.

"May I tell you my dream Cendra?" She asked, her slim fingers grasped the doll tightly and she turned towards me.

"Of course m'lady.' I answered as I placed the tray on the table.

"I believe the Gods are trying to send me a message." She said seemingly unsure of herself. I nodded egging her on to tell me more.

"The dream from last night. I dreamed of a weirwood. The bleeding face," she stuttered, "The lips, they moved they said 'LOOK' and then the dream changed and; I was with Robb and Mother, Robb was sitting a top his direwolf and in front of them lay a body, clad in red with blonde hair I don't remember the face."

"M'lady." I said, halting her before she completed her next sentence. "Do not speak more of this! If the Joffrey was to find out about this dream. You know what he could do!"

Sansa looked quite scared for a moment, then taking a breath looked down at the tray and reached to pour herself some tea. The herbs in the cup floated to the top and sansa picked up a small spoon to mix them in.

"M'lady I didn't mean to .." I started to say but Sansa cut me off.

"I know Cendra." She said as she reached for a peice of cheese. "It was foolish of me."

"The walls have ears m'lady." I whispered to myself.

"Cendra? Did you say something, I didn't hear." Sansa asked, sipping her tea.

"Nothing m'lady just mummbling." I answered her.

Sansa ate the rest of her meal in quiet. She quietly got up and walked over to her claw footed tub. I rushed over to take her robe off her shoulders and she  carefully stepped into the tub. I went over to help Sansa wash, but she shooed me away. I then curtsied and slipped out the door.

I placed the tray on the floor and quickly sprinkled the moontea into Sansa's used cup and poured in more tea. I quickly mixed the two together and gulped down the mildly warm substance. It would stop my moon's blood for a month, thank the god's, but I only had a few hours to find the boy and the Red Keep was huge.

And so I ran as quickly as I could down the stairs, to the kitchens, hoping the young cook Brena had some gossip for me.

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