Divergent AU

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Disclaimer: I don't own any characters or the plotline of Divergent. Divergent is a dystopian series, if you haven't read it, go check it out!

Kirishima POV

I emerge from the simulation with a war cry. I pause for a moment, puzzled. Where'd that dog go? I wondered to myself. Then I remember: It wasn't real. It was a simulation. I let loose a gusty sigh, half disappointment, half relief. A raven haired man sits next to me. "Dauntless." he says tiredly. His name was Aizowa I think. Either way it was the result I had wanted. I knew for a while that I didn't belong in Abnegation. I've perfected the art of blending in though, so people never noticed how different I was. The Dauntless have always thrilled me, with their boldness and disregard for what anybody thought of them. I wanted to be like that. I don't want to give a damn about what other people think about me. I don't want to let the whispers get to me. Faggot. Gay. Disgusting. Abdomniation. So that's why, in the choosing ceremony tomorrow, I'm choosing Dauntless and making a new life for myself. "Thank you, sir!" I say, grinning and flashing my shark teeth at him. I get up and prepare to leave. "Kirishima!" he calls back to me. I turn. "One last thing before you go. Were you aware that the simulation wasn't reality when you were in it?" He asked. I thought for a moment. Now that he'd mentioned it, I had. But some instinct kept me from telling him this. "No, sir." I said firmly, before slipping out the door.

Bakugou POV:

Me and my other Dauntless friend, Jirou, are sitting around, draped over chairs after our aptitude tests. I honestly don't care what it says about me because I'm going to choose Dauntless obviously. Erudite is for the asshats who think they're intelligent, Abnegation is for the weak, Candor is for the smartasses and Amity is for the pansies who think that talking it out is the answer to everything. Dauntless is the only respectable faction. They're daring and strong and resourceful. It's the only place for someone like me. Someone who is the best of the best. "Hey, Headphones." I say to my purple haired acquaintance, the only person I would call my friend here. "Who's he? He's obviously an Abnegation, but I haven't seen him before." I drawl, jabbing my finger at a red-head coming back from the test. "Wouldn't your gay ass like to know." she playfully jabbed. "Yes, my 'gay ass' would like to know." I snapped back at her. The thing was, he was hot. Around 5 '10, he was tall for a highschool student and he was very noticeable, with flaming red hair and ruby eyes. So why haven't I noticed him? I wonder. I'm snapped out of my musings by Jirou, she's saying. "I think his name is Eijiro Kirishima." "Kay." I murmur, only half paying attention. "Interesting. I wonder what faction he'll choose." Before I know it, school's dismissed and in 12 hours, I'll be a Dauntless initiate.

Kirishima POV:

I'm running home, weaving between cars. Both of my parents died when I was little, so there was no one to scold me. As I ran, I thought of the day's events. I got the result I wanted (Dauntless), and a cute guy pointed at me when I was coming back, probably making fun of me like everyone else, but a cute guy nonetheless. Well a pretty good day overall. I thought. When I choose Dauntless tomorrow, when I hold my bleeding hand over the coals, I will start a new life. Wild and reckless and free. Nobody would care about his sexuality, as long as he stayed alive. That's another thing he admired about Dauntless. They accepted anybody daring enough to join them, regardless of their sexuality or race or gender. Nearing my house, my footfalls began to slow down, stopping completely at the steps to my porch. I stare at my house for a moment, lost in thought. I amble inside and drag a grey, drab chair and drag it outside. I sit out there until night falls and the stars come out. I grab the chair and lug it back inside, yawning. I grab my dinner (a roll, a block of cheese and a apple) and head upstairs to get some rest before the most important day of my life.

Time skip brought to you by Kiri's crocs.

The ceremony was going waaaaay to slow. I'm here and I want to make my decision. I thought fiercely. So I just tuned out everybody else until my name was called. "Kirishima. Eijiro." I stood up and confidently strolled to the middle of the circle. The helper handed me the knife and I slit my palm, long and deep. I swung my hand to the coals and handed the knife back to the helper. Then I walked over to my new faction. Many hands reached out of the mob, pulling me in and thumping my back. A pale hand with black nail polish grabbed my hand and tugged hard. I looked up to the person's face. It's the cute boy from yesterday my brain yelped. "Hey." he said, smirking. "Welcome to Dauntless."

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