Too Bold...

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A/N Hey guys so first real story on wattpad! Please, please, please! Vote and comment to let me know what you think! Thanks

Oh! What’s this? That was my thought process pretty much the entire time I was searching through the boxes in my attic. I hadn’t been up here in over seven years, and when I was a six year old all I wanted to do was play with my new Buzz Lightyear action figure. I should probably tell you that I’m a thirteen-year-old girl, I have light brown, shoulder length hair, and blue/hazel eyes that are almost always surrounded with make up. I had been living in the same house since I was about three years old. That is until I moved.

Creak! I quickly turned my head fear already setting in. Of course I was alone in the attic of my old abandoned house in the dead of night. Why? You may ask. Well I’m not exactly the best sleeper and right now our cramped little apartment was just a bit too much for me to handle.

My dad had just moved in with a woman named Marie (his girlfriend of eight months now) and I, for one wasn’t too fond of her. Creak! I heard the noise again, louder than before, wrenching me out of my current train of thought. I turned my head, breathing harder now. I shouldn’t have come here, I thought, then, wait a minute, where’s Missy? My panic calmed a bit when I saw her tail poking out from behind a couple of old cardboard boxes.

Missy is my two year old yellow lab, she’s very small for her breed and has a white stripe running from right in between her eyes all the way down to her cute black nose.

“Fewf, come here Miss!” I yelled quickly filling the silence with my loud yells. Ugh, she never listens! I thought. When I walked over to her she had her nose buried in a cardboard box that looked like it would disintegrate if you touched it, that’s how old it was.

“Watcha got there?” I questioned Missy, before seeing she had a nasty old bone.

“EEEEWWW! Spit it out!” I screeched disgusted. She slowly dropped it but I wasn’t looking at her anymore, I was looking in the old box.

Glinting in the light of my flashlight, is what appeared to be a sliver of gold. Upon closer examination I saw that it was a gold page-marker. I picked up a small black journal with the page-marker hanging out of the bottom. I turned to the page that the marker was on and it read:

January 28, 1999

Today was the birth of my second born daughter. She is the sweetest little thing but sadly I cannot stay. I will put everyone I love in danger. I’m not ready to leave my wonderful husband and two children yet but I have no choice. I’m in enough trouble as it is without dragging my family into it. I need to keep them alive. Oh no! They’re coming! I can’t write anymore now!

Sincerely, Jayne Yovich

 Jayne Yov----

I could tell that she got cut off right at the end. I wonder what happened to her? Even more I wondered why she said her second born child was born on the exact same date as me. Even more peculiar she has to kids just like me and my sister. Hmmm, I wonder...

I tucked the journal under my jacket for safe keeping and kept searching through the boxes. Of course I did actually come here for something, not just to rummage around through old boxes in an abandoned house in the middle of the night on a Tuesday. I was looking for a certain action figure I mentioned earlier... and there he was! Buzz Lightyear! I squealed, delighted then looked around and saw only Missy.

"You better not tell anyone about that!" I warned her. She just cocked her head to the side, her ears perked up. I love my little dog so much, I thought. Well now that I found what I was looking for I decided I should probably leave. After we climbed out the window and down the tree that got us into the attic in the first place I grabbed my bike and Missy's leash and rode off as fast as possible. I don't know why but I was getting the heeby jeebies from that place in the middle of the night. Little did I know there was a pair of eyes looking out the attic window at that very moment and they didn't belong to just anyone...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2013 ⏰

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