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(Not really) A/N: howdy folks! Sorry for not updating in a while. Also thanks for 1k reads! I really appreciate it. So this chapter was actually written by my friend _amethystic. He doesn't have a smutshot book, so he asked me to put it on here. If you like this chapter make sure to check out his account, it's really good!
update idk how many years later: the author of this chapter is a trans guy and when i wrote the a/n he was not out yet so i had to change the pronouns. if you see any comments referring to the author with she/her pronouns that's because they're from before i updated, but if you are reading this and plan on commenting about the author, please use he/him. thanks!

It was late on a Friday night. I sat at my desk, a half-eaten plate of teriyaki sitting next to me, and my head laying on my keyboard. I couldn't keep my eyes open. It's hard to write a whole essay about Nighteye's theory of Quirks in one day, so I decided to take a break and work on it later. It's not due 'till Monday, what's the rush? I mindlessly poked at my teriyaki with a chopstick. Using all of my energy, I picked up a piece and put it in my mouth. Lazily chewing, I bit my cheek. This would have not been a big deal if I had normal teeth. I doubled over in pain, knocking over my bottle of sake and slamming my fist onto the keyboard to hold back tears. ​You can't cry, Kirishima. ​I said to myself. ​That's... not manly.
Cleaning some spilled sake from my keyboard, my eyes traveled to the screen. I must have been accidentally pressing buttons when I was cleaning up, and the site that was open was a totally random one. In the corner, I saw an ad for some club near my apartment. I'd got nothing better to do, so I followed the link. Reading the site, I learned that it was apparently a male strip club, the likes of which I had never heard of. I looked down at the rainbow silicone bracelet I was wearing. ​Eh, why the hell not? I'm bored, anyway. That'll be interesting.​ I thought. Taking my phone out, I entered the address, slipped on some decent-looking pants on, and grabbed my keys from the coffee table.
Raindrops pattered on my car. Squinting through the rain, I searched for the address. My eyes immediately spotted a dark-looking building with a kind of conventionally attractive picture of a guy on the front. From the inside I saw lights and heard loud club music. That was it, no doubt. I fixed my collar and spiked my hair a bit more, just for good measure, before walking in.
Immediately I was enveloped in lights and sound. A bouncer checked me and let me in. In front of me was a bar, and to the left was the source of the music and most of the chatter and whistles I had heard as I walked in. I stopped at the bar and ordered a Shirley Temple with a couple of shots of vodka. The bartender, purple-haired and tired-looking put half of the bottle of vodka in, but I was too tired to care. Why not get a bit riled up? It's gotta happen at some point. I downed it fast and stumbled over to the crowd of people.
A half-naked guy was spinning around a pole. The crowd, full of guys, cheered and whistled. I sat there, tipsy as fuck, and watched. The guy wasn't all that energetic and I got bored quickly. I started to doze off until the boring guy began walking away. In a couple of moments, he was gone and another guy took his place.
This new guy piqued my interest. He was really well-built and muscular, but not in a too intimidating way. In a really... hot way. In a way that he could still pull off the fishnet stockings and jet-black high heeled boots he was wearing. His lightly tanned skin complimented his platinum blonde hair, spiked like mine. He had the slightest grin on his face as he glided around the platform. My drunk ass decided to say "Damn, he's kinda hot." out loud. Inside, sober me shriveled in embarrassment. The guy next to me nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, he's here almost every night. Cool guy, enthusiastic too. He's a crowd favorite." he said as he turned back to the platform.
I could've sworn when I accidentally indirectly complimented him, his eyes widened for a split second. I don't know, though, I was too drunk to think straight. I stared for a good minute, 'till he turned in my direction. He narrowed his eyes in my direction and raised his eyebrows. It was almost as if he were looking directly at me. He went up to the pole and grinded right on it as if to mess with me. And that sent me. He smirked and bit his lip as he descended down the pole. I know I went to a strip club, and I was expecting this kind of shit, but I didn't actually expect to be turned on at all.
The guy walked confidently off the platform into a back room. I looked over to the guy next to me. He looked back, almost as surprised as I was.
"I don't think he's ever done that before."
I sat back down at the bar. A bit of my drunkenness had gone away, at least I could
think right. This time I just ordered a Shirley Temple. I sat at the bar, sipping at my drink every now and then. I was deep in thought until I heard footsteps coming towards the bar through the loud music. The bartender looked up from his counter and smiled, giving a quick nod. I shifted my eyes in the direction he was looking. In my field of vision was a lightly tanned dude with spiky blonde hair. It was that one really hot guy that was up on the platform a while ago. He slid into a barstool (conveniently the one next to me, of course) and gave the bartender a look. The bartender immediately took a bottle of Fireball and poured it in a glass before sliding it across the table. The guy received it perfectly. It was obvious this was a normal thing. I watched in amazement as he took a sip of the Fireball without batting an eye. No coke, no nothing. Just straight up Fireball. ​Kinda hot​. I thought to myself. I think he felt me staring again, because he turned around in his chair. Fuck me and my obvious curiosity. He leaned his elbow on the countertop, took a sip from his whiskey, and did a quick nod of his head to me.
His voice was raspy and smooth at the same time, like drinking rum with honey in it. I hesitated.
He laughed a bit, retaining the devilish look on his face. I think he could sense my awkwardness.
"The name's Bakugo Katsuki." he said.
"Oh, uhm, Kirishima. Eijiro Kirishima. That's me. That's my name." I stuttered. I felt inner me facepalm. Again, this guy, Bakugo, laughed a bit at me. He scooted a slight bit closer to me.
"You liked my performance, eh? You seemed to be pretty..."
He looked down.
My face went red and I turned my chair to face the countertop, still looking at him. I
didn't even notice that I had a boner. My social life was over, no questions asked. He poked my thigh playfully.
"Oi, oi, don't get embarrassed! I saw you staring. I've worked here for a while. You can't lie to me, pretty boy." he said. I felt butterflies in my stomach travel throughout my whole body. W​ as he hitting on me? Was the unusually hot stripper dude hitting on me?​ As I was lost in thought, I could feel him moving closer to me. He was moving slowly and discreetly, almost as if he was trying to do it without me knowing. That didn't bother me until I felt a hand travel to my inner thigh. I immediately jumped in surprise, looking around frantically. As I turned my head, I noticed that Bakugo's face was about 3 inches away from mine. I felt my face turn redder than my hair. I averted my eyes from his intimidating gaze, but he lifted my chin back up.
"I don't usually do this..." he said.
"In fact, I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to do it, but it's too hard to resist."
Still caressing my thigh, gradually moving his hand in between my legs, he leaned
into my ear.
"You're pretty damn sexy."
His whisper was low and smooth, and each word sent chills down my side. He applied a bit more pressure on the hand now rubbing my crotch. I bit my lip, trying to stay quiet. Bakugo smiled smugly, licking his lips. He kept going until he felt me tense up and grab onto the side of the chair. The second I did, he put his hands up and smiled. I looked at him, surprised, still shaking a bit.
"Y-you're not gonna... finish?" I stuttered. He shook his head.
"You don't want our fun to end that quickly, do you? If we're gonna finish, we might as well finish the proper way." he said, grabbing onto my wrist and dragging me across the
Bakugo and I went into an empty room.
"Used to be the janitor's closet. No one ever comes into here. It's just a quickie, after
all... we'll be fine."
Before I could say a word, he grabbed my other wrist and pinned me to the wall,
pressing his lips against mine. I felt his tongue explore my mouth a bit, so I did the same. He broke away and traveled down my body. He undid my belt in one swift movement, as if he had years of experience. He pulled my boxers down and smiled as he took my dick in his hand, stroking it slowly and sensually. He turned his gaze up towards me.
"Are you... sure this is okay?" I asked. He laughed at me.
"Who cares if it's 'okay'? You're the one who got hard looking at me, dumbass." Sticking his tongue out, he slowly drove it up my shaft.
"But... we could always ​stop ​if you wanted-"
"No! No... it's fine. Keep going." I said, trying to hide my excitement. He scoffed to himself.
"That's what I thought."
He twirled his tongue around my tip, causing me to let out a quiet moan. Sensing my pleasure, he took my dick his mouth and moved his head back and forth, starting slowly but gradually getting faster. I heard my own moans echo through the empty room. I leaned my back against the wall, feeling climax approach. I slowly slid my back down the wall to the floor. I could see Bakugo use his vacant hand to slide his shorts down a bit and slowly began to jerk himself off. I could feel his quiet moans vibrate against me. His breathing was slightly irregular. Probably his inner bottom showing... Bakugo went back to using his hand, stroking faster and faster until I let out a long groan, felt my body go slightly limp and my eyes rolled back in my head as we released.
"Ah, fuck..." I managed to say in between my panting. Bakugo looked up and swallowed like it was nothing. I shivered and slid to the ground. He crawled up in between my legs and gave me another kiss. I could taste the sweetness of cum on his lips.

"Damn. You weren't that bad, pretty boy." Bakugo said. He stood up and dusted off his boots. Before he went out of the door, he turned on his heel, gave a quick smirk in my direction, and slipped something into the doorknob.
"Th-thanks, Bakugo-"
"Call me Katsuki."
He slipped out of the door and shut the door. The noise of the music slipped through
the door and I heard the sound of his heels fade into the distance. As I dressed myself I picked up the piece of paper and looked at it. A phone number was written on it. I smiled to myself, slipped it in my pocket, and ran to my car, tipping the bartender as I went. He gave me a nice wave. I hopped in my car and left. It was a good night. I'm glad I took a break from the theory of Quirks. I mean, essay or hot guys and fellatio?
Yeah, that's what I thought

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