Chapter 2

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"We have to figure out what's wrong with Freddy."

"Is that why ya' called us here, Bonnie?"

"Well, Freddy has been acting weird..."

That was far from the truth. Freddy wasn't acting weird. He was acting holy-crap-why-are-you-doing-this weird. The others had noticed his terrible pacing and constant glances at the doors or windows. They would also catch him in the closet, messing with the suits. Freddy would take spare parts of other animatronics too while desperately trying to make new ones.

"We should ask him," suggested Chica.

Foxy scoffed," He would probably try to stuff you in a closet again! We're gonna have to figure it ourselves. He's obviously waitin' for someone to come through those doors."

"Sorry, but I'm with Chica on this one. We have a better chance asking," Bonnie said as he stood." What are you guys waiting for? Come on."

Chica and Foxy soon followed with the not so familiar tingle of fear travelling through their circuits. There he was, pacing and mumbling." Um... Freddy, what's wrong?" worried Chica as she partially hid behind Foxy." W-what?" stuttered the bear as he was met with piercing stares," Oh, it's that obvious, huh?" Bonnie sighed inwardly." I just... I didn't want to tell you guys... Th-they're-" his voice broke. Foxy felt guilt worm its way into his gut. He had accused and beaten the now almost in tears bear. He hadn't realized something more was to Freddy's antics.

"THEY'RE GOING TO REPLACE US!" he cried. Collective gasps sounded, disbelieving." N-no... NO! That can't be! Please, PLEASE, tell us this is some joke!" pleaded Chica who had fallen to her knees. Foxy crouched down beside her." Chica..."

Bonnie stood still. His stare blank. Replace us...? The word echoed in his head. Replace, replace, replace... A sudden desire for revenge and a need to survive stirred in Bonnie." LIAR!!" came the screech while rabbit and bear suddenly clashed.

"Bonnie, stop it! It isn't his faul- BONNIE!" Freddy threw a punch harder than he intended. A piece of purple suit lied abandoned on the floor. Everyone froze. Minutes seemed to pass. They all turned when they heard a door creak open and voices floated in the air. Was it already time? Was this how their stories ended? Morning came too fast. It was all TOO FAST, but not as fast as Foxy.

"What the-"

Foxy roared and barrelled through the men." Get movin' lads! We're not gonna let them take us!" All the animatronics made a mad dash for the safety of the shadows. No, their story would not end. They wouldn't let it.

All that was left was a lonely piece of purple on the floor.

-- Note: I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE I'M TAKING THIS. I dunno if I want to make it slight Chica x Foxy, or just base it off the whole transition between the 1st and 2nd game. Halp me. Oh, I'm not the fanboy either. I'm Batman.--

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