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Hi everyone!

I'd just like to say a few things before we start, and yes, this is important, so please don't skip ahead.

Firstly, a warning; this book contains mature content such as swearing (cause, y'know, Bakugo), blood, gore, and some scary stuff. There is also some abuse and mentions of depression. Some of this might be a trigger for some readers, so if this is you, please don't read. I wish only the best for my readers, and don't want to see anyone hurt.

On a happier note, welcome to my story! I'm so grateful to you all for taking some time out of your day to read this. Comments keep me motivated to keep writing, so please comment, and point out any punctuation or grammar mistakes so that I can fix them up! I love constructive criticism (but not mean, people), so feel free to offer feedback.

I might do A/N's at the bottom of some chapter, but almost all of them will be short. If there's a sentence on it's own line that's italics, then it's Tsubaki's thoughts. In my fan-fiction, there will be 24 students in every class, as well. I post memes at the top of every chapter, but they won't have any relation to the story; they're just hella funny.

In this story, I'm going to be making ships and writing about them. Please don't hate on them if you don't ship it.

With that out of the way, let's get to reading!!

CharChar207 out!



Hey! Again, lmao.

First of all; dang, it's been ages. But, seeing as the first episode of season five was made available to me today, I figured I should bring this book back.

I'll be going through and editing some stuff first, then adding some aesthetic-type stuff and putting in more chapters (hopefully!). I've gone through and matched up a lot of my books, and I'm focusing on my main three now, which you can find on my account page (shameless self-promotion akslhs). They're not BnHA books though, so...

Anyway! I go back and read through this now, and I'm cringing so hard- it's insane how much can change in a few months in terms of your writing ability. I'll try to keep with the main theme, but it might be a bit different. 

I'm going to be removing the mes for formality's sake. I'll also make the chapter's more consistent - sorry about that, btw.

Good luck, and thanks for reading.




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