Chapter 1: Getting The News

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A/N Shoutout to ThatOneChickIsCrazy for being my very first follower! The most views I've ever gotten is 87 (but the least is 1) so I know people will read this! Please go follow!! On with the story!!!

Also, this story is inspired by @fangirling15051 although I do not feel like I stole her story at ALL, I just was inspired by the students transferring. Not even the reason WHY is the same.

' ' = thinking

" " = speaking

* * = transition/slight authors note/change in POV

*On the Liberty* *No ones POV*

"Luka!! Your school is being closed down. Mom told me to tell you. You're gonna come to my school." said Juleka Couffaine.

"Thanks Jules." Luka said, smiling to himself, 'I'll be in the same class as Mari!'

*At Marinette's* *Marinette's POV*

"Marinette! Come down!!" my mom called.

"Coming, mom!!" I yelled down, opening up my trap door and joining her in the bakery that her and my dad own, "What is it??"

"Apparently they shut down one of the neighborhood schools, so a couple kids are transferring to your school!!!" she said. I was shocked.

"Uh...thanks mom!" I said, and ran to my room, locking the trap door and texting my girlfriends.

*A/N: Each person has a different text bubble. Marinette, Rose, Juleka, Alya, Mylene, and Alix.*

Me: Guys, did you hear about the kids transferring to our school!?

Rose: Yeah! I hope they're nice!!

Juleka: My brother is one of them.

Alya: Luka is? Why didn't he go to our school in the first place??

Mylene: Mari, b careful

Alix: Luka's not dangerous! And he knows Mari likes Adrien. Everyone does! Except for Adrien, ofc.

Me: Shut up!!! Omg stop!!! I'm not scared of Luka!! Besides, it's Lila's old school! So...

Alya: Omg do u think any of them have been w her on her trips?!?! I mean, imagine if they have!! I wonder if they're also friends w LB!! I mean, maybe Lila's introduced them!!

Me: Lila HATES LB!! And they were never friends, and LB has never saved her life!!

Alya: How do u know??

Me: I was at the park and saw LB so I followed her and she went ovr and confronted Lila abt her lies.

Alya: Idk wut u have against Lila, gurl! She's super nice!

Alix: Other than she's after Adrien, ofc.

Me: Naw, Adrien knows that Lila's a liar. U ask him.

Rose: No, don't disturb him! It's okay! We'll ask him on the 1st day of school on Mon!

Alya: 👌

Juleka: Alright! C u guys Mon!!

Me: Kk! Bye!

*Monday at school* *No one's POV*

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