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The small splash of water interrupted the calm night. The rustle of movement through the shadows was so quiet that not even a hawk could hear it. A tom with a red tail crept through the shadows his allies following his lead. Beside him, was a big strong tom with amber eyes.
"Where is Riverclan, Redtail?" The strong tom whispered to him.
"Near, Tigerclaw. Keep walking and we'll find them soon." Redtail replied.
Redtail heard a mumble from Tigerclaw  but didn't say anything. Suddenly Redtail stopped.
"They are here," Redtail said quietly, a small hiss coming from him. "Stay close, but most importantly, stay alive." The cats behind him nodded and followed Redtail some more before he lunged into battle.
"Oakheart," Redtail snarled at a bracken colored tom, "Why are you on Thunderclan hunting grounds?"
"To take this land," Oakhart snarled back. "And to kill you" he growled, "RiverClan, Attack!" The bracken colored tom sprang at Redtail his eyes full of fury. Suddenly, the two deputies turned into a ball of mixed colors both impossible to see. Oakheart bit Redtail's shoulder and red liquid oozed out.
"This will be RiverClan Territory!" Oakheart cried and scratched Redtail in the stomach. Redtail, suddenly felt weak and all of his strength flooded out of him. He could see Tigerclaw dashing towards them, his eyes full of determination. He watched a fight start between Oakheart and Tigerclaw but it was very blurry.
Tigerclaw suddenly slammed to the ground, his eyes cold. He was dead.
Redtail saw that Oakheart was wounded and weakly got up.
"Is that ThunderClan's strongest warrior!?" Oakheart mused weakly.
"Not very fitting last words," Redtail said and slashed Oakheart in the neck, killing him.
As the RiverClan warriors saw that their deputy was dead one of them called "Retreat!" And the fled back to the river.
"ThunderClan!" Redtail called. "Although we have won this battle we have not won it easily, many of us are injured and one of our strongest warriors Tigerclaw is dead!" Redtail told them. Many gasped, Tigerclaw was almost as strong as a hawk's claws! "But we are not savages! We shall leave Oakheart's body for RiverClan to collect in the morning!" Redtail Dragged Oakheart's body to the side of the stream and left it there. "If you see a Riverclan warrior collect the body, let them take it but watch them closely so they don't take any prey," Redtail Flicked his tail and carried on " Mousefur will help me carry Tigerclaw back to the camp! Thunderclan back to camp!" As Redtail finished a brown small she-cat approached him and helped him carry Tigerclaw.
"We may have won the battle but we lost a valuable ally." Mousefur muttered.
"At least we won the battle, Mousefur," Redtail told her, "RiverClan lost their deputy and lost the battle, that is worse than us." And they walked off into the night.

Darkstripe, sat and watched Redtail and Mousefur enter the camp, carrying Tigerclaw's body.
"This can't be," Darkstripe said almost lost for words. "He must be knocked out!"
"Unfortunately, not Darkstripe, Tigerclaw was killed by Oakheart. But we still won the fight, and avenged him by killing Oakheart." Redtail told him.
Bluestar, ThunderClan's leader walked up to Redtail. "Redtail and I will need some cats to come to the burial. Darkstripe, Longtail, Whitestorm and Lionheart may come with us." Bluestar said "Since Tigerclaw is dead, Ravenpaw's new mentor will be Darkstripe." and helped Mousefur to the medichine cat den. Darkstripe looked over to his friend, Longtail who was staring at the floor silently.
"I won't be coming," he said and then paused before explaining. "Tigerclaw was closer to the rest of you."
Darkstripe nodded to his former apprentice and looked at Whitestrom and Lionheart.
"Tigerclaw was like a brother to me and Lionheart of course we will come." Whitestrom told Darkstripe. He nodded and they all followed Redtail and Bluestar, who had just appeared, to the burial.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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