- CHAPTER 5 - The woods of Lothlórien

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We ran across a forest floor strewn with flowers, sticks snapped under the feet of the men as the treaded across the ground.
I looked around me curiously, touching every tree I pass.
"My father told me about this place long ago" I say to Aragon who I walk beside. " he told me how enchanting it was. I have only seen the forest so far so I cannot imagine what the rest must look like"
"Your curiosity never ceases to amaze me" Aragon replies chuckling.

"Stay close Young hobbits. They say a sorceress lives in these woods. An elf-witch of terrible power. All who look upon her fall under her spell. And are never seen again!
Well here's one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily. I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox!" Gimli says proudly.

I hear the sound of bows being withdrawn from behind the bushes, so instinctively I withdrew mine too.
We were suddenly surrounded by armed elves who pointed there weapons closely to our faces.

" so much for the eyes of a hawk and the ears of the fox" I say under my breath as Gimli Huffs rolling his eyes.

One of the elves emerge from the group. It is Haldir the Marchwarden of Lorien.
He knew me and my father, he was a dear friend to us.

"The dwarf breathes so loud we could have shot him in the dark"
Haldir says looking down at Gimli. I lower my bow and step in front of him.

"Be kind" I reply to Haldir as his eyes widen to my presence.

"Lady Eline!" They lower their weapons and bow their heads to me.
" forgive me, for I did not recognise you standing there" Haldir continues.

" Haldir O Lorien, henion aniron, boe ammen I dulu lîn. Boe ammen veriod lîn" ( Haldir of Lorien, we come here for help. We need your protection). I explain to him as his gaze averts to frodo who stands behind me.

"You bring great evil here" Haldir says now talking to frodo sternly.

"Please!" I exclaim. "You must let us pass".
Haldir hesitates for a moment as he looks around us, recognising Aragon and Legolas.
"Follow me" he says as he turns to walk away.

We ascend a winding stair case amongst the trees, toward the grand court of Galadriel and Celeborn.

"They are your kin, aren't they?" Legolas whispered even thought he already seemed to know the answer.

"Yes, these are my mothers parents." I reply softly

Haldir leaves us as the lord and lady of lothrien descend towards us, issuing a glow forth from them.
Aragon touches his head reverently in greeting while I lower my head to their presence.

"Nine that are here yet ten that were set out from Rivendell. Tell me where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him."
Celeborn says.
Galadriel looks at me, reading the answer within my eyes.

"He has fallen into shadow" she says to Celeborn as none of us answer him.
"The quest stands upon the edge of the knife. Stray but a little and it will fail to the ruin of all". She continues.
Her eyes cast downwards to me as I hear her voice inside my head.
* welcome Eline, Lady of Rivendell, My granddaughter.
My heart has greatly desired to know when you would return to these lands. From a young age you grew without your mother, banished from leaving the grounds from your home but here you stand before me on a quest greater than any could of imagined.
You're as fearless as your father Lord Elrond once was and as compassionate as your mother Celebrian, I see it within you.You will be a admirable asset to your fellow companions.*
Her voice fades from my head as I break from her gaze.
She continues to speak to us all.

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