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'and a one and a two and a three and a four and fiiiiive six, seven and eight! done, and great job today guys, your session is over now' the choreographer applauded the trainees for their hard work and packed up to leave.

song minjae collapsed on the floor, sweaty and panting hard. he'd really worked himself today and was ready to head back to the dorms and sleep. for five minutes though, he let himself slip into a daydream. today's was his favourite; a date with his boyfriend. the one he didn't have.

everyone knew minjae was gay. he'd come out straight away to avoid misunderstandings in the future. and it's not like he wasn't attractive - quite the opposite, in fact. he had had a few confessions, but he hadn't really clicked with any of the guys. he was still waiting for 'the one' to come along.

suddenly the door to their training room opened, and two figures stood silhouetted in the doorway. one very tall and muscular, the other short and sort of skinny.

'song minjae!' boomed the deep voice of manager zhong.

minjae jumped up, startled.

'hello manager' he bowed deeply, sneaking a quick glance at the skinny kid next to the manager.

he had dark chocolate curly hair and bright eyes that were so sharp they could pop a balloon. up close, minjae could see he wasn't really that skinny, just built smaller. the kid looked around the room, a subtle air of awe and admiration about him. a weird sensation began to build in minjae's stomach, but he pushed it away.

manager zhong cleared his throat. 'song minjae, this is noh huijun. he's a new trainee and will be joining you after the weekend. he'll be your new roommate and i'd like you to look after him as he settles in.'

minjae nodded, feeling huijin's piercing gaze on his face. 'of course, sir.'

the manager smiled and said 'i'll leave you two to get to know each other.' he strode out of the room as minjae and huijun drank each other in properly for the first time.


the first thought that entered huijun's mind when he saw sweaty minjae lying on the floor was 'wow, he's hot'. the next was 'get real huijun, he's probably not even gay'. huijun was always falling for straight guys goddammit.

'hey,' now minjae smiled confidently at huijun and held out a hand. 'nice to meet you'

huijun took his hand and was shocked at how soft it was. he tried to act cool and responded with 'nice to see you too.'

he was hardly listening as minjae explained he'd finished practice for the day and was heading home. all he could look at was minjae's fluffy pink hair, defined face and gorgeous shiny lips. the sweat made his shirt stick to his body, teasing huijun's mind with glimpses of muscles underneath.

he snapped out of it just in time to hear minjae ask if he wanted to go to the dorms now or get dinner first.

'um, i've already eaten dinner thanks. but if you haven't, then i'll come and wait.'

minjae smiled sadly 'nah, i'm on a diet so it's fine.'

'why are you on a diet with a body like that,' huijun muttered before he could stop himself.

'good one huijun. mess up as soon as you meet a cute guy. typical.'

'uhh, i mean... then could we go straight to our room?' he prayed minjae didn't hear his stupid remark.

'sure!' minjae smiled happily and huijun almost melted into his shoes at the sight of his smile. he hurried to follow his new roommate out of the practice room, to his new home. 

~ a/n: the photos below are what they look like ! ik we aren't in ice age era anymore but the photo that's on the cover is just frickin adorable and i wanted it all to work soooo :)) anyways stream spring thank u byeee

~ a/n: the photos below are what they look like ! ik we aren't in ice age era anymore but the photo that's on the cover is just frickin adorable and i wanted it all to work soooo :)) anyways stream spring thank u byeee

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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