Voice Of My Heart[Eunsang]

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I know I haven't been updating my other stories and I'm very sorry for that. I wouldn't be able to post long stories for a while as I'm currently working on a college project. I hope you all understand.

Please enjoy this short piece of work. I had Day6 in mind as I wrote this. Please listen to their music while reading, it's really good. Enjoy~


It has been quite a while since I joined the team. Four months? Yeah, four months. During this short time, I enjoyed being in the band. It is nice, to do what we love together. We all have the same passion and we are running towards the same goal. My bandmates are nice; cool, fun, bright all sorts of positivity...well, that is except for one.

Cha Junho...I can't understand him, I will never understand him. He's our main vocal and ever since I joined the team, all he had been showing towards me was...hatred. He detest my presence in the team and I will never know why. It wasn't like I stole his position, no never. I'm just the keyboardist and he was in charge of vocals. Our team is of five; Minhee incharge of drums, Yunseong hyung incharge of bass, Yohan hyung for the lead guitar. I knew that I was never really the important person in the band but they wanted me to complete the group.

RainSoun5 or RS5... that's our band name. It was supposed to be a four man band but the agency recruited me in the last minute. We debuted 3months ago. The four members had been together for at least 4years already, they're highschool friends, used to play in small getogethers and on streets.

"Why do you hate me so much?"

The words out of my mouth echoed through the room. Right now, he was standing right in front of me, glaring at me. Reason? I don't know.

He narrowed his eyes at me, an eyebrow raising up a little. He probably find it amusing. I never really spoke up against him before. We never talked when we were alone. We never talked directly to each other. I tried to before but after seeing how he didn't want me to, I gave up and focused on my part instead. The band members knew it too. They talked about it with him too but he never gave them the exact reason... that's what they told me and for me not to mind it.

He was a man with few words, we all knew that. It's just how he treats me that frustrates me all these while.

He was going to turn away and walk off but my hand was faster and stopped him by his wrist.

"I want an answer. Don't ignore me."

He blew a frustrated sigh and turned back to give the same glare.
"Why? Do you need attention from me?" was his curt reply.

I bit my lips before letting out a firm yes. He looked a bit surprised when he heard me.

"Yes. I want to know why you hate me so much, why you can't treat me the same you do to the others." I say, I didn't care if I sounded desperate. This has been going on for months and I wanted to clear this air off between us. We are a band after all, whether he likes it or not. We have to work together.

"Isn't it obvious? I never consider you as a member in the band. Why do I need to treat you the same?"

"Wrong." I gulped but decided to put my thoughts in a little on this while we are at it. He flinched in annoyance at my firm tone.

"It's not just about the members, you treat others normally too. So why me? I know you don't consider me as one in the team and for that, I want to know the reason why." My fingers tightened its hold on his black jacket, desperate to get an answer before he walks away again, like he always does.

He lifted his other hand and grabbed mine to pull it off from its hold. "You aren't special, Lee Eunsang. Don't think too highly of yourself. It's not just you, I treat anyone anyhow I like. You just happen to fall among the ones I don't like."

Voice Of My Heart【JUNHOXEUNSANG】Where stories live. Discover now