She did it?

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Tiana's P.O.V
Wednesday morning. I love Wednesdays because we have sports, and ICT. Right now, we don't have class cause all teachers are in a meeting. I am in my class talking with my classmates about the "Bryan issue".

"Who would frame me like that?", Beth sobs into my shoulder. "I don't know Beth, but don't cry. I'm here for you, we'll find them". "But why?", She cried.

I decided to go out, to "use the bathroom", so I could try to catch a glimpse of Ryan.

I know what you're thinking and it's not that. It's solely for the purpose of seeing if we could find who set Beth up...and maybe cos I like him. I mean, there's nothing wrong with that, he's just a year and a class older than me. But then Mario. I mean everyone in class knows that we have a 'thing' for each other. And I barely knew Ryan.

I walked into the hallway, stopping at my locker. In just a  few minutes it would be time for P.E, and the best part was that Ryan's class had to Coach us on basketball.

I have a problem.

"Tiana?", A voice calls from down the hall. Ryan. "Oh hey!", I call going towards him. "Do you have any clues?", I ask. "I'm suspecting Aubrey. Aubrey Ellison. She was mad that I dumped her. She said something about paying me back", he answered.

"So do you have proof?", I ask, trying to use my eyes to check the height difference between us. Turns out, he isn't much taller than me. I'm reaching him on his shoulder.

Why am I even thinking this?

"No, but I can and will get proof", he snaps me out of thoughts. Then, Aubrey appears. She smirks.

"So you're fucking younger girls now?", She asks Ryan. "I am not, and even if I am, what should that matter to you?", An angry Ryan retorts. "I wouldn't be surprised. Anything in a skirt", she laughs, and walks away. "Man I hate that bitch", Ryan says. "But you obviously did 'it' with her so you sure as hell like her", I reply. He looks pissed.

Good job Tiana. I'm so proud of you.

Haha. 🙄

"I do what I want, and even if I did, it shouldn't matter to you", he replies and starts walking away. I run after him. "Sorry", I begin. "I'm not even meant to be around you" he says, ignoring my apology. "I don't just talk to nobody".

"Excuse me?" Now I am officially pissed. Who the hell he think he is? "You heard me right", he says. "Fuck off". "Again. Excuse me?".

"I'll find the culprit on my own. Stay away from me", he growls. "You can't do this on your own. And honestly, with that attitude, I don't know how anyone puts up with you.  I'll leave, but I just want you to know that you are not better than me, or anyone else". I walk away.

Stupid son of a (insert swear word).

Ryan's POV.
Okay. That happened.

Ordinarily, I wouldn't spare anyone who says that, but she is, well, different.

Not that I like her...

I mean, she is cute, smart, but what she said got on my nerves. Now I feel bad. I told her not to talk to me. Am I being cheesy? She's a class below me. And I only talked to her once. Just once. I probably shouldn't have shouted.

"Tiana wait!" I called, sprinting down the hall.

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