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tell me what to do

when fear clenches my heart,lungs
squeezees them hard till i cannot breathe
a single breath without crying my pain out.

when overthinking results in anxiety
when my head starts spinning
and i cannot think straight.

when i cry my eyes out
till they're blurry, blood red.

when every step feels heavier
when my feet are overburdened
with every new thought
i can't seem to let go off.

when a new day arises no new hopes
and every day feels
like a never ending tale.

when i feel suffocated by my own self
my body feels like a prison to me
my soul,trapped inside
with a never ending sentence.

when i get lost in my own thoughts
staring into the void
blurry bodies all around me.

when i cry myself to sleep every night
my insecurities turn into
my worst nightmares.

tell me what to do
when i feel numb
when i start doubting my own existence
when i turn nothing but a slave to my own thoughts
surrendering to my own self.


blurry bodiesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ