Chapter 3 - Let the Competition Begin

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"Oh? This is new. I never knew you were engaged, Illumi. How'd you meet?" the red head questioned, looking to said male in curiosity. "Purely business" the ravenette spoke, looking down at the male. The bluette looked up at the Illumi, locking eyes with him as he stood up, now leaning against the wall. If he were to be sized up to Illumi, he would barely make it past his chest. "I didn't expect to see you here, Aika Athyms" the ravenette spoke, looking to the male that he stood next to. "A mission just arrived at home, unfortunately, it requires a license to do" Aika answered, looking away from the male who still eyed him. "What a coincident, the same goes for me. You wouldn't know what this mission was, would you?" he asked, now walking up to the bluette. The smaller male merely shook his head as something grasped his cheek, forcing the bluette to look at him. "I wonder if our parents have something in mind for us" he said gently. The small male could only look to the male who grabbed his attention so suddenly. "What my father has in mind has nothing to do with me, I merely do any and all missions I am asked to do" Aika finally spoke, now looking at the male with full attention. "So, you wouldn't oppose to the marriage?" the ravenette questioned looking to the male. The boy only looked down as he nodded his head, knowing that he couldn't oppose, even if he wanted to. His life belonged to his family. They owned him, placing lies in his head about him being 'special', being unique to the world. Those lies dug into him, wedging the thoughts into his mind and actually believing it. He didn't want to live his life if he could live for his family to use him. After all, he was special. Illumi let go of Aika, now looking to the magician who still sat there, eyeing the situation unfold. "I'll keep an eye on you too. I can't have anything interfere with the marriage" Illumi spoke to him. "Oh, I understand. So, in other words, he's yours?"

The bluette looked to the male's conversation, not knowing what to do. "Alright, we're here, off with you" the captain called out, now pulling out the plank for them to leave. The ravenette merely sighed, looking to the male who stood there, not knowing what to do. "We'll continue this later, let's go, Aika'' Illumi ordered, now pulling said male off the boat and to the mainland. Aika was lost in thought that he hadn't realised that he was on solid ground. They walked to the forest and away from the magician, now noticing that the two of them were completely surrounded in trees. "I guess we should start the task now" the taller male spoke, looking to the younger male. "We should. I'll start searching for one of the guides then. I'll be back soon" Aika spoke, ready to leave. "I'll start the search on ground. You take the skies since you have the ability to do so" the elder of the 2 spoke, now looking around for the guide. Aika paused for a second before he brought his hand to his face to take out his contacts that prevented him from seeing far distance. Once he placed them away, he jumped high into the air, now looking down at the forest, searchin for a guide that was around the area. He searched around, or atleast what he could see, byt failed to find them. He stood mid air, looking down, refusing to give in. The bluette sighed, frustratedly, giving in and falling back to the ground. Once he landed, he pulled out his contacts that were also a part of his restraints, putting them back in and looking around for the older male he was with. "Illumi Zoldyck? Are you here?" the male called out but no answer. He tried multiple times until he decided to take a break, now resting against a tree. His eyes grew heavy once more, not knowing what was overcoming him, he fell into a deep sleep once more.

The younger male slept through the night, not knowing what else to do. As the night went by, he woke up earlier than he expected to, looking around and not remembering where he was. Actually, he was certain he hadn't been here before. "You fell asleep. I came back to tell you I found a guide but you were asleep, so naturally, I brought you here" someone next to him stated. The bluette looked to where the voice was heard to be met with the male he searched with, Illumi. The older male proceeded to throw the male his badge that he humbly grabbed for him, looking at the male. "Hisoka asked for you too. I said that you were asleep and to leave you alone. I don't want you talking to him, he might ruin the marriage for the worse" Illumi continued. The bluette looked to the badge that he now had in his hands, looking back to the older male in curiosity. "Hisoka asked for me?" was all that left his mouth before returning his gaze to the badge. The older male caught sight of his gaze, now moving closer to the bluette. "You can't have fallen for him?" he questioned, now cupping the males cheek gently. The smaller male merely hit his hand away, now looking to the male with his plain eyes. "Fall for him? Ridiculous, I would never fall for him. I am merely trying to decide what he desires with me" he answered, voice as plain as ever. He sat up into a more comfortable position, now leaning against the cold, damp wall, remembering the dream he had as he quickly moved away from the wall. Illumi noticed this but refused to bring it up. Aika stood to his feet, feeling ashamed that he didn't help in the search for the guide they needed so desperately. "I'm going now, we have no need to get along" the bluette said, now leaving to the crowd that surrounded the cramp tunnel. He searched around the area for what seemed like too long before crossing paths with the magician himself.

"Oh, it seems you made it here too. I began to worry when Illumi refused to let me see you" the red head said, dragging his words like he was flirting but wasn't. "Why would you worry? It's not like I know you that well" Aika said, plain and dull like he always was. They stood there in silence as Hisoka thought of an answer. "Well, why wouldn't I worry? I've caught interest in you. Your dull persona is intriguing and all I want to do is break it down and see what you emotion hides" the red head finally answered. The younger male could only stare at the taller male, confused as to what he meant. You see, Aika's emotions were non-existent. He felt no love or remorse for those who died or were bleeding to death. It's how he was raised. A puppet, a tool for others to use. Raised to feel nothing. Hate, fear, love. It's like they never existed to Aika. "You don't know what an emotion is, do you" the redhead asked, realizing that he confused the younger male. The bluette didn't answer the male, he just stared. The taller male towered over the male, now staring into his eyes. "How intriguing" he said, licking his lips in excitement. The bluette looked away from the male only to have his face forcefully grabbed and pulled back to look at the taller male. "You're so interesting, you know?" he stated, staring deeper into his eyes. "But you belong to Illumi... I wonder what'll happen... if I take you from him" he called out, pulling Aika's face closer until the gap had completely gone. The younger male, confused as to what was happening, kept his plain expression. "Hisoka!!" Another voice came in. The younger male looked to where it came from to see Illumi, standing just off to the side, watching them kiss like nothing. "You know how important marriage is, don't you?" he asked, walking over to the male that stood there. "Oh, I know. It's a way to bring the spies and assassins together, right?" he answered. 'Did he?' Aika thought, thinking that Illumi told them they were a family of spies, "Then why would-" "because I want to make this male mine. If that means I have to steal him from you then so be it" he answered. The smaller male just watched the conversation unfold. "And you? What do you have to say about this?" the ravenette questioned, looking to the bluette that looked to him. "Me? I think you're both idiots. I obey my family, not you. If my father were to tell me to kill you both right now, I'd do it, no hesitation" he answered, now walking away. Before he was completely out of view, he heard them both say "let the competition begin".

End of: Chapter 3 - Let the Competition Begin

Word Count - 1,527

Next: Chapter 4 - Set in motion

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