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For a lot of Christian girls, reading the Bible, praying, studying the Bible, memorizing Scripture, etc, is hard. Remembering to do all of it? Even harder. It always seems like we never have enough time, but is that really true?

Here's something I need you to know: You are never too busy for God. How do I know that? Well, during the week you make a lot of choices. For example...

On Sunday, you claimed you didn't need to read the Bible on your own because you went to church.

On Monday, you're too busy with school and catching up with your friends.

On Tuesday, you tell yourself that you're going to read the Bible, but end up scrolling through your social media instead.

On Wednesday, it doesn't matter to you because you have youth group.

On Thursday, you have homework to do, but somehow made time to visit a friend's house.

On Friday, you didn't think twice about your Bible because you were thinking about the sleepover you were having with a friend that night.

On Saturday, you claimed to be too tired to do anything because of the sleepover, yet you ended up reading an entire book that day and texting all your fangirl friends about it.

The next week, the cycle continued. Sound familiar?

Our "busyness" manifests in different ways in everyone's lives. We all have things screaming for our attention; trust me, I know it firsthand. Sometimes I go to bed at night, thinking of all the things I didn't do or have to do the next day.

Finding time for spending time with God used to be really hard for me. I had absolutely no motivation to pray, let alone read or study my Bible. After all, I had better things to do and had zero time left in my day for God. Or so I thought.

So, my advice to you? Put God first. How?

1.) Don't try to fit God into your schedule, plan your schedule around Him.

2.) Set a time every day--yes, every day - and not just five minutes--to pray and read God's Word.

3.) Get a Bible reading plan and do it with a few friends.

4.) Find an accountability partner--someone who will keep you accountable and make sure you're keeping your commitment.

5.) Press on. The more you do it, the more you will want to do it.

I'll admit it: I didn't enjoy it at first. But over time, I grew to love God's Word so much, and couldn't fathom going a day without reading it--no matter how busy I was.

Remember: it isn't about finding time. It's about your desire to know God. When you decide that you're too busy, you are committing idolatry--you are putting your vain desires above your Savior, Creator, and King of the Universe!

I hope this helps you all! I'm here for you and praying for you. If you need advice, prayer, or someone to talk to, don't hesitate to reach out--our PM's are always open!

xx Aria

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