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                 London woke up in a dark room. It was empty besides the large bed that looked old and crusty asf and the big metal door. She had no memory of the day before or how she got into this room. She got out of the disgusting bed, the crispy sheets crinkling as she got up. She walked over to the door, but it had 7 locks on it and all were locked. "Hello? Anyone out there?" She said, trying to see if she could peek through the door.

She turned around. The room was dark, the only light was a dim light bulb on the ceiling with a rusty chain to turn it on and off. She walked over to the bed again and sat down. Minutes felt like hours in this boring room. The chains and locks on the door started to click and unlock. London stood up quickly. Who was here. The door slowly opened. The await of who was behind it was painful. A man walked inside, she couldn't tell who yet due to how dark the room was. "Hello, London." Shinsou said.

London screamed asf. "OMG SHINSOU WTF ASF LOL XD" She ran up to him and he slapped her. "Don't run or scream. He will hear us." Shinsou slapped his hand over her mouth. "Promise you will be quiet!" London nodded, agreeing she would be quiet. He pulled his hand away and walked to the bed and sat on it.

"He doesn't know I have the keys to this room." Shinsou looked at London. "Who is 'he' exactly?" She sat on the bed next to him.

"Trust me, you don't want to know." He shuddered. Footsteps could be heard outside of the room. London was afraid of who, or what was about to enter this room. Shinsou walked over to the door and tried to push it closed. "He is strong we can't hold him back asf."

The door bursted open sending Shinsou flying back onto the ground. Freddy walked into the room towering over everyone. "Well, well, well what do we have here?" He walked over to Shinsou's trembling body. "GET AWAY FREDDY!!! I WANT TO GO HOME!" Shinsou kicked freddys hard legs, but he didn't budge. "Let us go she doesn't even know why she's here." Freddy laughed at Shinsou's pathetic attempts to get let off free. Freddy turned his attention to London. "Welcome to your hell." Freddy picked up London by the throat and threw her at Shinsou. Her skin scraped against the concrete floor.

"FREDDY PLEASE JUST LET US GO!!" Shinsou sobbed on the floor trying to crawl to the door. Freddy stepped on Shinsou's legs emitting a nauseating snap. Shinsou screamed out in pain, his legs shattered. He wheezed and coughed up blood on the floor. London silently cried as Freddy slowly walked over to her. She got up and ran to the door, but Freddy grabbed her by the hair and slung her to the opposite facing wall. She screamed when her body thumped against the wall and she slid down it. "You wanna play games, bitch? Let's play games." Freddy stomped over to her.

London's chest was heaving as Freddy reached behind him and pulled a blowtorch out of his ass. Shinsou had slowly slithered and crawled over to them and took the blowtorch, weakly throwing it. Freddy's eyes turned red and he punched Shinsou in the jaw with his large animatronic fist. Shinsou's lip busted in half and blood spurted everywhere, spraying London in the face. His face fell forward and he passed out on the floor. Freddy grabbed the blowtorch and kicked Shinsou's unconcious body accross the room.

"Now where were we?" Freddy laughed demonically. He turned on the blowtorch and started to scorch London's body. She screamed and cried at the top of her lungs, pleading for help. No one was there to hear her cries. Eventually she was just crying silently since all her nerve endings had burned off. Shinsou twitched on the floor, he wasn't really knocked out he was only faking. Freddy stepped backwards to admire the burns littering London's body.

Freddy snapped his fingers and Shinsou stood up. It was as if his legs had never even broken in the first place. Freddy turned to him and made out with him hotly. The blood from Shinsou's lip transferred onto Freddy. "Do you think we'be scared her enough?" Freddy asked quietly. Shinsou giggled as London shrieked. "WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!!?"

Freddy and Shinsou looked at her, then eachother, then back at her. They started laughing hysterically. "We got you!" Shinsou said. "It was a prank!" Freddy finished. "London, this is my boyfriend, Freddy." Shinsou smiled and pecked Freddy on the mouth. They both walked over to London's crispy burnt body. They kicked her repeatedly and she coughed and wheezed out blood until she gave up and died on the floor. Freddy and Shinsou high fived and ran out of the room.

Freddy and Shinsou left to their bedroom and had hot animatronic/anime sex and London's spirit left her body to haunt that cold room she died in. THE END ASF.

London X Shinsou (ft. FNaF)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora