In Which Sophia Gets Food Poisoning

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This is a story about how Sophia Lillis and her fellow castmates of It survive the terrors that live in Derry, Maine. This is how the story starts- on a Thursday, in a hotel. Starting at exactly 6:53 o'clock.

The orange and red colors of sunset tainted the crisp white bedding of the hotel room bed. Sophia Lillis sat on the little blue-green striped couch, her laptop in her lap. It was only 6:53, but the redhead yawned. She had gotten up really early to shoot a mind-blowing scene for her Netflix show, I Am Not Okay With This, and would be getting up early the next morning too. She stretched her arms above her head, her baby blue sweater pulling up a little bit. There were three quick knocks on the door, and Sophia sighed. She already knew who it was. Sofia Bryant was her roommate, and an awfully forgetful person. Sophia stood up and walked to the heavy door, peeking through the peephole. She smiled.

"Password?" She teased.

"Baby Sophia," the other girl responded, rolling her eyes. The short redhead opened the door and pressed a hand to her chest.

"I am not baby Sophia." She stated matter-of-factly, rolling her eyes and laughing. "I also did not forget my room key for the third time today."

"Okay, fine, you got me. But come on, we're supposed to meet Wyatt and Richard for dinner. I heard it's sushi." She tugged her nose ring a little. Ms. Sofia had a thing for Richard, though if you were to ask her, she would look you in the eyes, deny it, and still blush. She is a very interesting person. However, this is not Sofia Bryant's story.

"I don't know, I'm really tired." The brunette rolled her eyes and simply grabbed the redhead's arm, dragging her down the hall. "No," she whined. They walked- or well, you could say that Sofia walked, Sophia got dragged- into the elevator, pressing the L. If you were to get in the elevator, it would be quite comical. The taller girl with a hand on her cocked out hip, and her other arm holding up the shorter red haired girl, who was completely slumped over. When they got down to the lobby, their companions were already standing there, impatiently. Richard Ellis was tapping his foot impatiently on the washed-out marble floor, watching his watch. He was wearing a simple outfit; black jeans, gray hoodie, and black and white vans. Wyatt was wearing a beige sweater, the sleeves a little worn, and slacks. His brown eyes were on the high ceiling, counting lights. (He counted up to 146 if you were wondering). Neither guy noticed them until they were standing right in front of them. Even then, Sofia waved her hand in front of their faces, and they both looked up (though Wyatt technically looked down). After obscuring their attention, the four of them left the hotel and headed down the street, Wyatt and Richard in front, looking at the directions on Wyatt's phone, and the girls in the back, Sofia reading Tweets and Sophia drifting off even though they were walking.

"This was a terrible idea," muttered Sofia. Her feet hurt in the black four-inch stiletto heels she chose to wear. "I should have stuck with flats." Her ankles began trembling, and she started to wobble. "Screw it," she announced, slipping her heels off. Richard raised his eyebrows, and opened his mouth to say something, but Sophia's mind drifted off again. By the time they got to the restaurant, Sophia was practically sleep-walking, latched onto Sofia's arm so she wouldn't get lost. (The restaurant was three blocks away and the sidewalks were crowded mind you.) Luckily, they had a reservation, and did not have to wait 45 minutes to get a table, earning them dirty looks from couples and families on the waiting list. The squad got a booth at the conveyor belt. The redhead watched sushi slide by as her friends ordered drinks. She felt a nudge as she nodded off, and her eyes sprung open again as she sat upright. Wyatt poked her cheek this time, and the waitress stood there expectantly, her pen poised over the notepad. Her tablemates looked at her expectantly.

"Oh, uh, uhm, I'll just have some water," she said, smiling awkwardly at the young woman. The lady nodded, and scribbled it down. She then put the little pad in the large pocket of her black apron, next to the straws. Sophia then went back to staring at the passing sushi. Richard grabbed a small dark blue plate with two pieces (both salmon laying on rice), and his booth buddy used her chopsticks to steal one. Wyatt reached around his own booth buddy and grabbed a small off-white ceramic bowl of on-white rice. Sophia leaned back to let him, only leaning forward once again to grab shrimp tempura. Using the chopsticks (very uncoordinatedly though), she delicately lifted one to her mouth. Taking a small crunchy bite, her eyes gazed over the restaurant, settling on the tapestry painting of two choi fish, positioned like yin and yang. Soon after she finished her tempura, she felt her stomach get a little twisty and her vision a little woozy.

"Excuse me," she muttered to Wyatt, asking him to move so she could get out of the booth. "I need to use the bathroom." Once out of the confines of the table, she made a beeline for the ladies' room, gracefully stumbling past waiters and guests, finally shoving the door open. She barely made it into the stall when all the food she had eaten in the past four hours came back to revisit, and she sat there, puking up her insides ( thank goodness she didn't need to deal with hair getting in the way). After a few minutes, a friendly elderly woman offered to get someone to help, and that she did. Sofia walked in a few minutes later and knocked on the stall door.

"You okay Soph?" She asked hesitantly.

"Y-yeah, I think I need to go back though."

"Okay, come on." Sophia flushed the toilet with her foot, opened the door and the girls walked out, heading to the exit. Noticing them about to leave, Wyatt ran over and stopped three feet away from them questioningly. "She got sick, we're going back," she explained.

"Oh. I can walk her back and you can finish dinner."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I know the way."

"Okay then, be said," Sofia took one more look at the sick girl and turned back, going to sit with Richard again. Wyatt and Sophia began the walk back, Sophia slumped over, holding her stomach and groaning.

The walk was silent except for the occasional groan, and in ten minutes they stood in the lobby, waiting for the elevator. Being the gentleman he is, he walked her to the door, and unlocked it for her (he was carrying her bag, and knew which pocket she kept all her keys in). She stumbled into the room and collapsed into bed, not changing or brushing her teeth. The curly haired lanky boy got her a plastic cup and filled it with warm hotel water (which wouldn't help much if you ask me). He then went and sat on the couch, flicking on the TV and flipping through the channels, looking for something good to watch. He was still there when Sophia finally nodded off the sleep.

\\\\unedited, feel free to correct me!///

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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