I'm So Done With Him

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Do you ever feel that your heart is broken into million pieces? Or you wanted to go depress?

Or you want to kiss him so that he knows that you like him?

I have, and it makes me to cry.. Ya, I've been having crushes and forget th em in elementary years.

But now, its different. This is my very first to be heart broken because of him.

When I first saw him, I thought he would be such a jerk. He seated next to me and I have to move a little.

A day later, I decided to talk to him. And I remembered it so well:

Me: Hello, my name is Jeoules. But everyone calls me Jules.

Him: Hi, I'm ____. Hope we can be friends.

Me: Yeah..

After awhile, I started to have a crush on him. I tried my best to keep my crush a secret but Nooooo!

My so called 'Trustworthy best friends' Had to spread it.

And now, I'm to embarrassed to talk with ____ ever since.

These past couple of months, he is being nice to me and to tried to talk with me.

But now it has end.. Why? Because he made me heart broken.

How? Well, I was on Facebook. Then I got notification in our class group. I looked at it and its one of my classmates posted it.

Status: Can I back out the poem writing?


classmate: NO!!

him: I'll pay then.

classmate: I will tease you

classmate: I will shout your crush.


My mind was like: He doesn't like me? He likes another girl? Is he playing my emotions? Because if he is, then its working :( I hate him so much right now.

All of those bumping to each other, having dreams about him, wearing same color t-shirts, seeing him everywhere you go, and having same interests..

Are Not 'Signs', He Just Wanted Me To Feel Happy.

And now, my hard-working handmade card for him is worthless now.

You know, what? I'm done!

I'm So Done With HIM

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