Chapter 1: Welcome to Iacon

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Iacon was as busy as it usually was, bots coming in and out and everyone scrambling to get to work, school, or Swerve's. Cars and trucks driving around, honking and talking amongst each other while the skies remained an empty void. Neon lights rimmed the dark buildings and a deep blue light gently coated the planet. The sky was clear for all to see, the stars and galaxies around their planet shone brightly as they normally did in the mornings here.

Or so Shockwave has heard...

The Decepticon stood at the train station, looking over his new frame again and again. It felt almost disorienting to see his once purple frame now turquoise and grey with no antenna, no tiny waist or seams, and no claws. Instead, he had a chubby frame with a normal face, normal hands, and a mouthguard. The handle of his wheeled traveling bag was held tightly in his hand.

It's strange but I'll manage, he thought. He looked over his datapads, again and again, trying to learn as much as he could about how to act like a normal Autobot. The usual polite greetings and the right words to use to speak to others were nothing new to him-- he'd be fine there at least.

His audials kept trying to pull his mouthguard apart to perk up and observe all his surroundings best they could. All around him buzzed with life, bots saying goodbye to others, excited chatter of "new lives", "new sights", and "new cities".
For him, it was all a new mission, but he'd be lying if he said the idea of actually being able to walk in Iacon, as if he were a citizen, didn't make his spark feel warm and fuzzy with excitement. He put his datapads back in his bag just in time as right after, a loud beeping noise alerted him to the fact his train arrived.
With a deep breath, Shockwave boarded the train in front of him.
Most of the glass train was rimmed with metal painted a golden yellow and dark blue stripes. When he stepped in, he saw the interior was an almost pastel yellow.
The shine of the unpainted metal rims was very apparent as he sat on one of the chairs. Ignoring the other passengers, he gently wheeled his bag in front of him and looked around. Screens were littered throughout the train, some just on the side of the chairs, most likely for announcements, or maybe to play music? Shockwave didn't know which. What kind of train even had screens?

He crossed his legs, sighing and thinking, maybe that's just normal here. A deeply uncomfortable feeling settled in his stomach as he looked around. Autobot symbols were all around him, yet it felt weird that no one seemed to pay much attention to him. Shaking his head, Shockwave reminded himself of his new form and frame.

There was nothing out of the ordinary about him for now.

The doors seemed to just be closing, offering Shockwave relief, as no one had sat by him. The sudden screeching of tires made his audials flinch. Turning around to look at what had happened, he paused seeing a yellow Autobot run over and sit by his side, an Energon treat poking out of his mouth. He stared as the tiny bot shoved the fuel down his intake-- making a mess on his face in the process-- and then panted heavily.

Right after he'd sat down, the train started and the buildings around them blurred and became smaller and smaller shapes in the distance. Talk about a close call...

The Autobot was small. His frame was coated a bright yellow with black racing stripes, and his helm had two round horns on them. His optics were wide and a bright blue. He was obviously a car, with two little door wings, two of his tires on his heels and the other two as his shoulders.
His chest had a large glass window on it, though it was tinted so Shockwave couldn't see if he was storing anything in it.

Finally, the yellow bot caught his breath and their gazes met.
"Hello!" the Autobot said. His optics lit up and he put on a casual smile as if he hadn't just attempted to swallow a piece of Energon whole.

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