Caine And Charlie

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Caine was the best Hunter in his lifetime but soon found that killing mere animals was far below his skill, so one day he found a man who was leaving his village alone on an oxen pulled wagon so, he stalked the man till he got to a secluded part of the road where he finally took aim and fired. Caine prepared the body and fed his family, and in such short time the hunter was enticed with this he began finding the best of prey the strongest of men the fastest, to test his abilities. But finally one day he decided to hunt his last victim.

Now he didn't know it was his last but it would be, it was just an average man really except for the fact that he has escaped death more time than the average man could count. The man lived across the country but he had to have this trophy, Caine told the village he was going on a trip into the city to bring back goods and so he was off with blessings of luck. He found the man fast, he worked as barkeep at the inn that Caine was staying at. He talked to the man like any friendly patron would, learned the man was named Charlie. But that mattered not, he was to be dead by morning after all. Night fell as quickly as the drunks did and soon Caine and Charlie were the only ones left in the sour smelling pub. Charlie told him that it was curfew and he should hurry to his room and he nodded in agreement downing the rest of his drink, grinning at Charlie. Charlie smiled back and went to latch the door and Caine followed quietly as he could and as the boy walked the hunter snuck up behind him and whacked Charlie with a bottle of Ale, the glass shattering and wasted ale soaked his head. Now the hunt begins.

Charlie woke up with the smell of stale urine and ale on the forest ground with a gruff looking man. His vision blurry unable to see his face in the dim light, the man spoke only one simple thing "Run" then started to count to what number he didn't know but he didn't want to be here to find out. Charlie ran past the unfamiliar trees of the dark forest, when finally he heard the loud shrill laugh of the man and knew he was being chased. Running for what seemed like an hour before he reached a stream, rather shallow, he sprinted across the stones but found them to be wet and he slipped. A loud pop in his ankle, and a crunch of his head as he fell to the water where he lay filled with nothing but sheer, rising terror, as he heard the hurried footsteps of the hunter through the brush the boy tried to drag himself up and out but he could not walk his head throbbed and he was just about to give up when he felt a snap and a wet crunch and suddenly the pain vanished. Standing up he began to stumble away but just as he did the hunter let loose a bolt which shot past his ear. Covering his head and and ran faster barely seeing anything at all when a second twang went off followed by a burning, wrenching feeling in his shoulder. stumbling he kept going till yet another shot off sticking him in the lower back he falls and crashes onto the hard ground as he hears a bolt crash into a tree further in front of him. The burning sensation radiating from his back subsides and the areas tighten and cramp his back arches as he screams. Struggling he falls backward and two bolts protrude out through the front of his body. The burning is back and he yells out loudly as he grips the shaft of the one sticking from his abdomen and yanks up roughly, his hands slide off it uselessly. Letting out a faint gurgling moan as blood bubbles up his throat turning into a hideous hacking cough. Tears streaming down his face he calls out to the killer in a last attempt for life "Please..." he cries "don't please, please-" interrupting him another cough shakes his frail body. Then the cramping starts again such intense pain he whimpers out praying to the gods not to let him die like this. The hunter strides out into the faint veiw all that he could see was that bright grin and the sheen of moonlight on his crossbow. The last thing Charlie remembers is the hunter taking aim at his head and the moon illuminates his face and the twang as Caine releases an arrow into his skull.

The faint dawn light woke Charlie, at first he was confused and sluggish he tried to move his body but, the fire surged through him again locking him in place. Charlie tried to call out for help but all that came out was a raspy hiss no more audible than the footsteps of a mouse. Straining his entire body he feels his fingers twitch so subtly, but he feels as if it was torn off. God what have i done to deserve this? i will repent i will earn my retribution but please make the pain go away Charlie begs in his head. And as if hearing his prayers, Charlie feels a cooling pleasant feeling overcome his body, extinguishing the flames and forcing out a soft breath of relief. Slowly Charlie pushes himself into a sitting position, on the hard wooden table freezing when he sees his legs. This could not be possible. It can not be! His body convulses and he begins to hyperventilate. His legs have been freed of skin revealing the dark red muscle the white tendons and bones in plain sight. Searching up and down his chest and arms he finds no traces of skin at all. He panics staggering off the bloody table onto the floor only to slip and fall to the ground in a pool of his own blood. Letting out a shout of disdain he lays his eyes on his skin tacked to the wall by its shoulders like a prized rug. This cannot be real! this all just, just its not i can't be here. I-I no. Who... did this... Just as the name pops into his head the door opens inward and a man stands there with a dirty cloth rubbing his hands clean. Clean of my blood. He did this, he is responsible for the way i am. Caine sees the skinless man and his mouth drops open a scream boils out from its depths. " What are you!? You-You devil!" Caine lunges for a knife as charlie stumbles up and staggers to the opposite wall but its futile Caine is upon him plunging the blade into his fleshy shoulder shoulder disrupting the painless peace. Charlie screams out finding his formerly dead voice, swinging around clumsily as his fist comes into contact with Caines nose, leaving a bloody smudge, and causing the hunter to crash to the floor boards. Charlie begins running out the open door and up the stairs finding himself in his pub completely empty. Caine roars from the lower level, Charlie pulling the blade from his shoulder turns to face him, his heart beating like the crescendo of a drum. Caine barrels up with his crossbow aims at Charlie and fires hitting the ceiling, and curses rubbing the blood from his eyes. Taking this chance Charlie charges at Caine with the knife in both hands and stabs the crazed hunter in the stomach, Caine yelps in surprise and staggers backwards away from Charlie, into the wall and slumps to the ground staring at him with Crazed eyes.

"Duh not get ut, i sair ta god i ill kill yeh." Charlie threatens the hunter. Charlie starts to feel a prickle starting in his fingers and toes that quickly radiates up till he feels like he is vibrating, collapsing to his knees he groans as white threads spider web up his body. Afraid he scratches the strands off his face wildly but it only causes it to grow even more rapid and ragged. Charlie finally gives up his body now covered head to toe in a pale shroud concealing the hideous thing the hunter cut out. Charlie limps to a table and collapses to his knees leaning pathetically on it. Charlie looks at an dirty glass on the table, and sees something horrible. Himself. His new face, the face Caine caused. Charlie touches that face, that phantom white face. His scarred face. His face. The face Caine deserves. A face with Blood red eyes. A face with-with... no he doesn't deserve a face he is a monster. "And ill make him one..." charlie breathes in his wilted voice like the sound of the wind. Charlies face goes into a sneer. One he'd wear for the rest of his life. Charlie whips around and leaps at Caine with inhuman speed. grabbing the worthless hunter by the throat and lifts him up the wall. Caine grunts and moans in pain unable to even plead for his life and Charlie says a simple thing. "You cannot run..." and that was the last thing Caine ever heard, and the first thing The Hunter ever said before devouring Caines head.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2014 ⏰

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