Information On The Series

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Hi! My name is Abby and I am a total Potter Head. So if you read book series or watch movie series, you can and will probably come up with some thoughts on the book/movie.

So that's what I'm here to do! I will be posting every Friday (starting today). The first 'Chapters will be on Harry Potter. Then we will progress further.👍

There might be some swearing 😅 but I will give a notice before hand. Also I will say this in every chapter but I will also say it here. There will be some spoilers. If you have not read or watched all the movies/books you should do that if you want a better understanding. You don't have to tho.

Anyway I hope you are as excited as I am about this. I will also be doing this while I'm supposed to be studying or sleeping so don't come at me if it doesn't all quite make sense 😂😅 If this all works out I will also use suggestions from y'aIl. And do shout-outs.

Ok so guys, gals, and non-binary pals I bid you adue. ✌️😘☺️

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