Chapter 7

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I woke up and no one was in the room. I listened for a minute and heard the shower running and Niall singing. "And oh, I'm into you and girl no, one else will do cause with every kiss and every hug, you make me fall in loooove..."  I laugh as he over exaggerates "love". I realize I didn't call my mum last night, so I figured now would be a good time.

The phone rings a few times then my mum answers, "helloooo?"

"Hey mum"

"Heyyy sweetheart! How are you? I saw Niall made it!"

I smile "yeah, it was great!"

"That was a very sweet thing he said about you."

I thought about it, and recalled him being on that stage and saying that I was basically the reason he was there, that I was the one he was singing to. I blush. "Yeah, took me by surprise."

"Well, what have ya got planned for today?"

"I'm not sure, I just woke up."

"Ohh, alright, well have fun and be careful"

"I will, love you"

"Love you too!" After we hungup I thought about what we might do today. Today is the last day we are in London, tomorrow we leave. We have a full free day to do as we please really. I get up, and pick out an outfit, it seems to be a little chilly out so I settle with jeans, white vans and a black jumper. I heard the water turn off in the bathroom as I set my clothes on my side of the bed. Niall came out shortly after I heard him say "shit"....In a towel.

"Well, good morning."

His face got beat red and he avoided eye contact. "Mornin, i uh.....I forgot to grab clothes."

I chuckle and go into the bathroom with my clothes "well, I'm gonna get a shower haha."

"Alright ha.." He's very embarrassed, he shouldn't be, I've seen him with no shirt before. I get in the shower, and for some reason it feels like the best shower I've ever had. It was the PERFECT temperature, one of those moments where all you do is stand there under the water just thinking while the heat relaxes you. Almost like a spa treatment. And for some reason, the only thought on my mind is the way Niall sings. He is just so passionate about it, it's almost like he just imagines himself in another place, where it's just him, his guitar and his voice. An amazing place. I heard from the other room that Maura has come back, she went to get breakfast because she didn't want to wake up and brought us back some food. I can tell because I hear Niall getting excited that he didn't actually have to leave for it. I finish washing my hair and face and turn off the water. I wrap my body in a towel and my hair in another. I get dressed quickly after I dry off a little, throw my hair in a bun, then go back into the room. I see Niall on his side of the bed, stuffing his face and watching cartoons. Typical. I look and him and shake my head.

"Are you seriously surprised" He says with bacon stuffed in his mouth and a smirk.

I mimmick the noise he makes when he trys talking with his mouth full, and put on a little eyeliner and mascara. I pick what I want from the cart of food, 3 bacon strips, a pancake and some strawberries, and join Niall watching cartoons. His mum takes a picture of us because apparently it was "precious." I notice Niall give her a glare.

"So, mum, what are we going to do today?" Niall asks right before stuffing abother bite of eggs into his mouth.

"I was going to just go shopping and let you two go wherever you wanted. We just have to meet back somewhere at a certain time."

I've always wanted to just roam around London. There are so many places I want to see! 

*About an hour later*

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