Coming home again

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[Lance's POV]-

OMG! I can't believe that we are finally going home, not that space was not the best thing that ever happened to me but I really miss my family. Ha Hunk can see his family, Pidgeon can see her mum and dad, Dad (Shiro) see Adam (btw Adam is still alive, I need to make this possible). Hang on a second, Keith. OMG. oh dios mios, Mullet has no family on earth. With his mum being in the Blade and hardly getting to see him, that's why Sahmri was so hesitant to go home. He has none... I thought to my self starting to tear up a little at the thought of my long time crush, being all alone, in that shake if it was still there, in the middle of the desert. As I was thinking about this I hear Keith's deep. manly voice over the communicator,

"Hey guys, do you think we could take a break on that planet over there, Kosmo needs to... Umm... You know...?" He said, I could hear the embarrassment in his voice and didn't hesitate to reply.

"Sure thing, Mullet. I need to stretch my legs too." Perfect now I have a chance to talk to him.

"Sure thing, Keith. But I don't wanna get out. I am gonna sleep." Most of the team said except for Pidge and Hunk.

"I'll take this time to do a bit more research," Pidge said with a bit of excitement in her voice.

"And I'm gonna cook something for when we are back on the road." Hunk said.

"Ok then,  it's just you and me Mullet," I say smirking, thinking on what to say. Nows my chance to confess to him. Maybe even ask him to come home with me?

"And Kosmo!" Keith said with a bit of irritation in his voice, yet a hint of... Happiness?? 

[Keith's POV]-

I try to hide the fact that I have a HUGE, gay ass crush on Lance. And I was about to be alone with him on a foreign planet, so when he said 'just you and me' I hesitated and mentioned Kosmo. 

We arrive at the green planet, it looks like Mars, but greener. Kosmo teleports me to Lance in Red and then out on to the open planet, about 1km away from the lions. There is now a lot of jungle-like bushes that blocked us from the rest of the lions, somewhat private. (BTW there is oxygen on this planet)

Kosmo goes off and does his own thing.

"Ok, Lance. We gotta hour before we have to be back." I say.

"Ok... Babe~" He said so smoothly to me, grabbing my hand.


Note from me...

Keith and Lance have done... things together before and everyone thinks that they are dating but they are in the denial... still. They just have not told each other that they liked each other, let alone LOVED each other. Thanks hope you enjoy.

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