I'm going to kill that cat

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I'm going to kill that cat.That was the first thing that popped up in my mind after the excrutiating pain it put me(particularly my brain)through which made my monthly pain seem like a stroll in the park.

You must be wondering,why is she talking to herself?What a maniac.That was probably because I couldn't move my limbs,my eyes refused to open,basically I was blind and handicapped at the moment,thanks to a particular golden cat*note the sarcasm*I didn't even know where I was.At least the pain subsided a bit after the...transaction?

Just like in the books and movies,I talked too soon.Once again,waves of near unbearable pain came crashing down on me like a meteor,waking up every nerve in my body,coursing through my veins,as if trying to slowly rip them apart.

After what felt like centuries,the weirdest thing happened,the pain stopped entirely,as if a car crashed into a tree,smoke rising into the air....but what I instead felt was little prickles usually from a needle,making its way up my fragile arm,sinking into my flesh,wiggling its way in like a worm digging itself into an apple,its juice splattered on the table....well,in my case,it was my blood.Yet,what I felt was not pain,but instead pure refreshing relief.And here you are wondering again,is she a masochist?That,I cannot answer.

The feeling was wondrous,as if I was finally free from a hand that was grasping at my neck,suffocating me while dragging me nearer into hell.But of course all wonderful things must come to an end,what I didn't expect was a flash of blinding light instantaneously flooding my currently restricted vision....as much vision a blind person can get that is.

Another surprise came hitting me like a bright yellow school bus as soon as my eyes got used to the sudden blast of light.Feeling my long eyelashes batting against my skin was a little overwhelming at first but once I got used to it,I was finally able to see clearly of my considerably dangerous surroundings.

The first thing I saw before my eyes,was a man,fitted into clothing that only appeared in historical dramas in China,dragons swirling on the golden silk fabric,as if protecting the one who wears it,sitting on a golden dragon-themed throne,with servants on both sides,wearing purple silk loose clothing with huge sleeves, embroidered by beautiful flowers,each stitch was so delicate that you would need a magnifying glass to see through any mistake,big or small.

After observing them for a while,I realized that...they were all crazy phsycopaths, this was all a practical joke,a tv show,even a social experiment,evidently making Ms Chew an accomplice...but how could she?I trusted her...well mostly her ramen,but still....

My thoughts were rudely cut short when the man spoke loudly,his voice resonating throughout the whole place."Thank you,Doctor Wu...now that the accused has awoken...you may take your leave."His tone was harsh, full of power and aggresiveness.As soon as the last syllable came out of his lips,a man that I completely ignored who was standing beside me,wearing a vaguely similiar clothing as the man on the throne but instead was plain blue,stood up,bowing a full ninety degrees,then with a wave of his big sleeves,turned on his heel and walked away slowly.

That was when I realized that I was sitting in an awkward angle on the cold marble floor,my black mane was tangled and messy,when I finally had the willpower to look down,I nearly fainted.Dried blood was seen on my pink silk skirt,bruises were covering my entire sickly pale arms and legs,a few bony fingers were broken,that explains where the numbing pain came from.The thought of me being in a tv show vanished in thin air,the directors or crew wouldn't be sadistic enough to beat me up in order to make this look more real,it was impossible.

The tense atmosphere surrounding me was so thick that I could slice it open with a knife.The awkwardness hung on the air like a leech sucking on blood.I sat there,unable to move my legs that were numbed by immense pain,one on the cold hard foor,another laying back comfortably on the throne,a juicy looking grape fruit held between his fingers,just looking at each other in the eye,with him glaring holes into my head mostly,while smirking at the pathetic excuse of my failing attempts to stand up.A few minutes past with eerie silence.Unfortunately,the silence and peacefulness were broke once again by him.Quite annoying of him.

"What are you waiting for?Guards!Prepare the next torture instruments immediatly!"At just a split second,two rough hands grabbed me from behind,forcing me to stand up,all the while with pain shooting up my legs,I knew struggling was just plain stupid as they were too strong,but I still tried nonetheless,which earned me a few snickers from the bastards.When I finally gave up,they roughly pushed me on top of a big wooden block,holding me down with they're probably scar- covered hands.

A man holding a whip walked over to me,gripping it like it was a treasured jewel,just as he was about to come down with the whip and hit me like an animal they think I am,just as my brain was about to go blank with shock and denial,I did what most people would do in my situation,scream on top of my lungs-"I'm going to kill you cat !"

Okay,how was that?I know my grammer sucks ass but just deal with it personally think its boring asf tho...

The picture above is what I picture the emporer as without the ancient china clothing

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