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The picture above kind of represents her aesthetic!


     Silence filled the air, smothering any comfort that peacefully floated around. "Forget I said that," he said.

     Probably his way of apologizing, whatever. He was never the expressive type, always finding substitute words in place of an apology.

     "Whatever Austin, I do care, even if I don't show it. Let's just get your luggage."

     The two made their way to the door together, running out of the door like children running to the playground, except the situation was much more dire. Rain pelted at them with such force that she was convinced that bruises would be visible by tomorrow.

     Five minutes later, they both sprinted back inside the apartment, dripping wet. They made their way upstairs to the guest-room. She opened the door and they stood in the doorframe, bewildered at the sight that lay in front of them. 

     The mess in the room put the word disaster to shame, glass still lay scattered and shattered all over the floor. "So I guess you haven't been able to stop?" he asked inquisitively.

     "Does it look like it? It's not like I can, something just takes over. But it's gotten better recently,"

     He scoffed, "Yeah, much better, it's not like this room looks as if Kal and Kea just rushed into here sugar-high."

     "Shut up Mr. Snarky and help me clean your room."

     He sighed and stomped downstairs to retrieve the broom and dustpan. 


     By the time the whole room was cleaned, it was already 7 p.m. The two glanced at the clock and as if on cue, their stomachs grumbled. "What's for dinner?" he asked.

     "Don't know, you want ramen?"

     He nodded and they made their way downstairs.

     She grabbed a pot, poured water in, and set the stove's flame to high. Just across the kitchen, Austin took out a mini bluetooth speaker and played rap music.

     "Hey! Turn that racket off" she shouted over the music to her usually raucous brother. Of course, he didn't listen but decided to turn it down and then turn it up twice the original volume. Rolling her eyes and tuning out the ear-deafening music, she tore off the plastic lids of the ramen bowls and threw them into the trash receptacle. She turned back toward the counter and filled the concave bowls with boiling hot water. 

     After waiting 3 minutes, as the cap had instructed, they sat down at the kitchen table, rap music still playing. Curious, she asked, "How was your living situation while you were serving your time?"

     "Hm?" he glanced up, "Oh, it was bad like really really bad. We had to use communal bathrooms and I swear that none of them look where they're spraying. Plus, the beds are rock-hard and my phone kept ringing even though I told Aunt May that I wasn't allowed to call.

     She snickered, "oh my god- it sounds soo horrible."

     "Hey, you would have complained more if you were there, too bad Aunt May didn't want to send another one of us there, or you would have suffered with me.

     "Maybe, just maybe."


     The rest of the night continued on, the two making idle talk here and there until it was time to sleep. Turning out the lights to his room after he had fallen asleep playing Call Of Duty, she made her way across the hall to her own room.

     She quietly opened her door, careful not to make too much noise in case she woke Austin up, she made her way inside. She stopped by her dresser, pulling out random articles of clothing Quietly, she walked towards the bathroom, opening the door and flicking on the lights.

     Throwing the clothes onto the closed toilet seat, she grabbed her toothbrush, applied toothpaste and started brushing. Looking at herself in the mirror she thought, god, you look like a mess. Her hair was messy, strands were sticking out from every angle. Her clothes were wrinkled and the bags under her eyes were huge. Bad morning she reminded herself.

     Spitting out the toothpaste, her face contorting as the toothpaste ran down her chin, she filled her glass cup with water and rinsed her mouth. Looking around, she saw the clothes that were placed on the closed toilet seat. She stripped out of her damp clothes and changed into the new ones. 


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