Chapter 1: Chasing The Light

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"Fury, why is it that you called us here?" Steve Rogers asks with curiosity in his tone. The rest of The Avengers were either seated next to him or standing around various parts of the room. Tony looked bored, Natasha looked wary, Clint looked unfazed, Bruce looked like he was getting more worried by the second, and Thor was sitting in the back eating pop tarts. The twins were just staring blankly at Fury, waiting for him to speak. "I have a mission for you all." Fury says before turning towards a screen. The screen flicks to a video of a kid in an alleyway, wearing a leather jacket, with a hood over his head. The video shows him walking down the alleyway, stopping next to a stretch of a blank brick wall. He removes his hood, showing his face, and his unusual neon blue hair. The kid raises his hands, and some sort of colorful gas pours out onto the wall. Then, to the team's surprise, the kid shoots a colorful laser over the gas, causing the gas to burn against the wall, making a skull and crossbones, but Syringes instead of bones. "This footage was recorded just past time square, about 2 miles from where we are now. We pulled up a facial scanner, but we didn't get much info. His name is Kace Anderson. He has the ability to manipulate any and all aspects of neon. We didn't find any info on his parents, which wouldn't have been that alarming if it weren't for the fact that we couldn't find anything on his background either. The kid is a ghost in the system." Fury details. Obviously, there were a lot of questions from the team. "How old even is this kid?" Clint asks dumbfounded. "He is legally 18," Fury says firmly. "Where will we find him?" Natasha asks, already seeming ready for the mission. "There is an outdoor music festival in downtown Manhattan at 12:00 tonight. We have found that he will be attending it, so you each will be going undercover. If you see him, detain him as quickly as possible. We don't want a panic." Fury says while turning off the screen. "I get that Graffiti is a crime, but I don't think that would be a reason for S.H.I.E.L.D. to be after him. Why are we really after this kid?" Steve asks. "I believe that he would be a good asset for the team. No more questions. It's already 10:00, so get ready, and start the mission." Fury replies firmly before walking off. At that moment Peter walks in. "What did I miss?" He asks, causing an audible groan from the team.

"Sam, I swear to god, you've dragged me to every damn concert and music festival in New York," I say rolling my eyes and smiling. "Shut up Kace, I know you love them just as much as I do." Sam grins. "Only because they are an excuse to get drunk, although I don't really need an excuse." I say raising my voice slightly above the music, making sure not to bump into anyone as I make my way over to the bar. "4 shots of the cheapest bourbon you have please." I say to the bartender. He rolls his eyes and pours our drinks. I down 2 and Sam does the same, which we do a few more times, with many a nasty look from the bartender. Sam and I head to the dance floor, dancing like it's our last day on earth. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a red headed woman in a red cocktail dress, and black stiletto heels. A man, who I instantly recognize as Steve Rogers, is basically attached to her at the hip. Cleary undercover work is not their strong suit. If there are 2 of them, there is bound to be more, so I use my senses to check my surroundings. Archer guy is on the roof, Iron dude is waiting near the bushes, Spider Boy is sticking to the side of a building, Lightning god is about 40 yards to my right, and the freaky twins were in an alley a few blocks away, no doubt as a second line of defense for when I escape. I can't sense the green guy, so I'm guessing he must be- "Looking for me?" I feel a tap on my shoulder, and spin around to see Bruce Banner standing right in front of me. I look around for Sam, but she is nowhere to be found. She probably booked it earlier when she saw them. She knows I can handle myself, so she probably just went home. "You and your friends really suck at undercover." I say, his face turning into a small smile before chuckling. "Well, when the whole world knows who you are, it's kind of hard to hide it." I give the bartender a heads up, and he groans, before grabbing 2 shot glasses and more bourbon. I pass one to Bruce and I down mine without hesitation. "Aren't you too young to drink?" Bruce asks, downing his shot as well. "I have a faster metabolism, kind of like you. I can drink and drink, but not get absolutely hammered. I still get a buzz though." I state before pulling out my flask, taking a swig of Jim Beam before pocketing it once more. "Also, my fake ID is an incredibly good one too. I'm guessing you didn't come here to chat, so what's the Sitch." I say casually. Bruce looks down for a moment before looking at me again. "Our boss wants us to bring you in for evaluation. He thinks you would be good for the team." He says warmly. I place my glass down and look at him. "No. You can tell your boss to fuck off for me. You're not the first people to try to recruit me, and you won't be the last, but I'm not a hero. I've done some incredibly fucked up things in my life, and even if I joined your little super squad, I guarantee I'll do more harm than good." I respond bitterly. I make a move to walk off, but I'm stopped when a muscular hand wraps around my arm. "Don't make this harder than it needs to be." Steve says gripping my arm firmly, his breath tickling my ear as he whispers into it. "We're just getting started." I smirk before wrenching my arm from his grip in a circular motion, before using my powers to neon run. I continue running, a slight blue neon trail being left in my wake. I run up the side of a building before stopping to look back. I am instantly slammed into by something metal, hitting the rooftop hard. I look back to realize it was Captain Americas Shield. He stands there in his suit, looking very hot, although I would never say it out loud (Wink Wink ;) The Twins are to his left, with Natasha and Bruce on his right. Spider Man is Currently perched on an antenna, while Thor and Tony are hovering in the air above them. "I already told you, I'm not joining your little Boy band." I say sarcastically, my Jersey accent just barely slipping out. If Steve noticed, he didn't show it. "Regardless of if you want to join or not, you still need to come with us. Our boss wants to talk with you." He says pleadingly. "What part of no do you not understand!" I yell before neon dashing away. I can hear them gaining on me, and if I don't do something fast, they are going to catch me. I stop by a large neon sign, a big, skewered fish as the design. I reach out my hands, feeling the resistance of the neon gas, and slam my hands together, causing a beautiful explosion of colorful neon gas to spread through the city, giving me neon clouds to run through. A trick I picked up in Seattle, it lets me run incredibly fast. I look back and am instantly tackled by Steve. He looms over me as I'm pinned beneath him, his and my breathing heavy as he stares at me. I kick him off of me, flipping to my feet, before running once again. I jump onto another building, before running through a neon cloud. The boost of energy courses through my body like electricity, and I speed through the streets. Not even Pietro can catch me as I zoom through the city, finding an alley to hide in, completely shaded in the darkness of the night.

thank you for reading my first chapter. I just wanted to again, thank the amazingly talented @kmbell92 for the fantastic cover of this book. I absolutely adore her, and I highly recommend checking her out. If you have any suggestions on future chapters, please comment and I will be sure to read them. This is my first book, so go easy on me. I hope you enjoyed it and stay tuned for more updates. :)

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