The man who fled

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One day Dave had just finished his article on the school shootings convincing himself that he has done a great job. He immediately hops off his chair and rushes to his boss office slamming the article on his desk while he was writing on his computer.

"All done!"

Dave said, enthusiastically.

The boss grabs the article getting ready to read it. Before he reads it he stops and looks at Dave who is hovering over him, grinning. The boss makes face at Dave as if he trying to say "What are you still doing here?" After Dave notices what he's doing, he immediately walks out the office waiting outside for the boss to call him back in. While he's sitting outside he looks over to right and sees Garrick and friends pointing and laughing at him as usual. Making fun of the fact that he has to wait knowing that Dave hates to wait.

Dave lowers his head and places his head on the palm of his hand. After a few minutes Dave's boss finally steps out his office and waves his hand in a come here gesture. Dave lifts himself off his chair and steps in his office. Very excited on the inside to know what the boss thinks of his article. The boss starts by saying, "You call this a story?... it's trash!"
Dave's spirit quickly went down as he heard those words. Then he continues: "You know you are one worst writers in my business right now. It's like you lost your touch because the first time I saw your stories it was great. Now it seems as if you just write it without evidence or such, this is BS!"

The workers from outside all hear the boss going off on Dave. The last words they heard the boss say was, "Get out!" Dave storms out the room looking very tempered.

Garrick's friend being a moron ask, "what happened Dave?", as he laughs. Dave ignores him and continues walking. He then gets tripped by Garrick whom he was walking pass. Garrick and all his friends start laughing. Dave gets up off the ground looking more tempered with his fist balled up.

Garrick notices it and tells him to calm down and that it's not that serious. Dave storms off into his own office, pacing back and forth saying, "Who does those guys think they are? Do they think they're still in high school? They need to grow up high school is over!"

Dave smacks things off his desk as he goes on about his rant, until he hears someone knocks on his door. He instantly stops and says that they can come in. One of his co-workers, Elizabeth cracks open the door asking if he's okay. Dave replies yes and begins picking up all the stuff he smacked off his desk. Elizabeth offers to help. After they are done Elizabeth ask if she can read his article. Dave tells her that the boss ripped his article apart. Elizabeth apologizes feeling bad for him.

"I think I should go home."

Dave said.

"I understand. Go ahead."

Elizabeth replied.

Dave grabs his stuff and walks out his office along with Elizabeth. Garrick shoulder bumps him causing Dave to drop his things. Getting very ticked off, Dave pushes Garrick to the wall. Garrick comes back with a right hook to the face giving him a black eye. Everybody tells them to stop and breaks up the fight.

Elizabeth grabs Dave's stuff and attempts to hand it to him. Dave was to angry to notice it as he screams at Garrick. Everyone tries to calm him down including the boss. One of workers tell him that he needs to take his pills. Dave says, "Forget the pills!", As he snatches his bags out of Elizabeth's hands. He storms out the building once more. The boss yells at Garrick for bothering him.

As Dave walks in an angry manner a car came driving by accidentally splashing the water from the wet road at Dave. The car stops for a second and then speeds off. Dave angrily screams as he losing his mind. He rushes to his car and drives off. When gets home to his apartment he immediately changes his clothes and puts on track pants, black t-shirt, and a gray hoodie. Dave sits in the living room still angry.

His wife comes out the shower wearing a robe in a bad mood. She off on him about not doing his job as in not picking up food from the store, not taking out trash, not cleaning dishes, etc.

Dave starts to get more irritated telling her to shut up. His wife continues her rant. Dealing with all the stress throughout the day he couldn't take it anymore. He reaches out for the drawer in front of him grabbing his gun. His wife attempts to get away but... the gun goes off.

Dave was shock as to what he did. A minute later someone knocks on the door. Dave slowly walks to the door looks out the peephole only to see that it's just his neighbor. He cracks open the door by an inch asking if he needed something. The neighbor wanted to see if everything's okay due to the fact that he heard something go off as it's a gun shot. Dave tells him everything's okay and that he doesn't have to worry about anything.

As the neighbor tries to walk off he heard Dave's daughter running out of her bedroom screaming for her mother. As Dave looks back, the neighbor takes a peek inside the apartment. He notices his wife on floor bleeding out. He yells, "Oh my gosh!", and attempts to run. Dave screams out, "NO!", pointing the gun at the neighbor. The gun goes off.

The neighbor collapses to the ground. Everyone from around the apartment heard the gun go off. Dave's daughter screams even more as he puts on his hood and takes off running downstairs.

A woman from downstairs peeps out the window and see a man with a gray hoodie rushing to his car. He fled away. A few minutes later the cops arrive along with a hospital truck due to multiple people calling the police. They rush the wife and neighbor downstairs getting them treated.

The cops tries to get answers from the other neighbors as to what happened. And investigate the house as well. Luckily the wife and neighbor survived but Dave was never heard from again.



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