Chapter one - 'mysterious'

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As Dianne glanced past Oti, Pasha, Chloe and Giovanni and Amy, she noticed that five figures that made their way towards the cafeteria entrance. What stood between them and her was the glass pane and a parade of raindrops that danced down the window.

She furrowed an eyebrow. "Who...who are they?"

Chloe looked over her shoulder before sighing, digging into her pasta with her fork abruptly. This startled the red head a little bit. "Those guys?"

Dianne nodded.

"The Suggs. Well, two of them anyway. They're professor Sugg's kids, as in the biology teacher. They're like a clique, they don't really speak to anyone else at school apart from each other. Actually, they're quite mysterious in some ways. They keep themselves to them selves."

"They're very reserved." All of the group agreed with Giovanni's comment. "That's the best way to put it."

"Oh." Dianne slowly nodded, taking it in. But of course, she had questions. Was it a good mysterious? Or was it a bad mysterious? "Like a good mysterious? Or...."

"No one knows." Oti shrugged with a placid expression. "No one knows enough about them to make a solid judgement. But they are creepy. So maybe not that good of a mysterious..."

"Just, keep your distance?" Pasha suggested. He had spoken few words to them over his four years at school, and hadn't received that many words in return. "To be safe?"


The first of the group came in - it was a girl with long, rich brunette hair. Her skin was quite pale, as was the complexion of the man who she walked arm in arm with. They looked extremely happy together, so surely he must be her boyfriend, right?

Giovanni followed Dianne's eyeline. "That's Zoe Sugg. She's great at business studies and art. And that's Alfie Deyes, they're kind of a thing."

"They look cute together."

"Sure, I mean. They do kinda look cute together." Amy agreed. "Alfie and Zoe have been going out forever. Like. For-ever. If they weren't so reserved, they'd be crazy popular."

"Definitely." Chloe agreed, swallowing.

Following behind them was another - what looked like a - couple. The first thing that Dianne noticed was the height difference between the two. "And who are they? Are they together as well?"

"Yeah. That's Caspar and Ambar." Pasha nodded. "They've been together a pretty long time too. Well, since he moved here from South Africa in year seven. He's extremely close with the Suggs, like a third sibling or something."

"Who's he?"

Dianne's eyes fixated on the young boy who walked through the doorway. He was taller than her, but not by much. Not like Caspar and Ambar or Zoe and Alfie anyway. His skin was as white as paper, or looked gaunt. He wore black trousers and a black t-shirt, contrasting his skin. His hair was long, and a relatively dark brown, and was pushed back. But above all, what lured her in most were his eyes. Ebony black, as dark as they could have been or could ever be, and full of mystery.

"That's Joseph Sugg." Chloe smiled, Maybe a little too widely. "He's totally gorgeous, obviously." She chuckled bitterly and looked down at her food. "But apparently no one here is good enough for him..."

He chuckled to himself as he walked past, immediately aware of the new girl at the table. She had long, red hair which cascaded down her back, and although he hadn't seen even the front of her, beautiful was an understatement.

"Like I care, you know? So, yeah."

Dianne looked over her shoulder, taking in a deep breath as he sat down next to his sister and her boyfriend. He looked happy there, they all did.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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