admin dishwasher

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tall, dark, and handsome. u look into the glowing sparkling glimmering chartreuse orbs of the seductive stud who's currently mugging you. "do u believe in love after love," they growl, husky grumbling sexy steamy voice snapping u out of ur trans. u feel a hot pang of arousal shooting throughout ur body, from ur three beautifully shaped heads to ur toe. the axe they have held to ur heads moves to ur neck, and u feel as though things are starting to get a little saucy. u look back up at the stranger and languidly bat ur eyelashes.. the mysterious figure eats it and contracts a disease that all enamel corpsing players are thankfull 4. the axe continues to move down to ur back and u shudder at the moofment. "w-what are u gonnna do 2 me sir 🥺👉👈" u loudly screech like a banshee with asthma... but they like it. u see the hot mystery man lick ur lip. "u know how this ends," they say and then with absolutely no warning they swing back the axe and ram it full force up ur pussy. ur shit brown eyes widen in shock and u spit out "roight wot's all this then" before u split completely in half and fall to the ground. as the attractive figure walks away, 20 foot horse tail swishing majestically behind them, u manage to choke out ur final words, the ones that've been muddling ur mind throughout the entire interaction. "who... who ARE you..?" the stranger stops in their tracks and wow those vulumptuous breasts look big from this angle, are they a she..? she turns around and grabs the rim of her trump hat, smoothly adjusting it. "the name's washer," she narrows her eyes, "dishwasher".

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