Chat room: U.A.

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King Explosion Murder: Guys I just got accepted into U.A. I mean I knew I would but I still had to tell you guys 

(Y\O\N):That's great!

Blonde Boi: Yeet

Lyla: Don't say 'yeet' in a momentous occasion like this


King Explosion Murder: Your an idoit 

King Explosion Murder:*idiot 

Blonde Boi :     :(

(Y/O/N): what did you score?

King Explosion Murder: 77 points

King Explosion Murder: 1st place!

Blonde Boi: WHOOOOO

(Y/O/N): Thats amazing!

Lyla: It honestly is

King Explosion Murder: I have to go.

Lyla: Goodbye

(Y/O/N): Yup, bye

(Y/O/N): and congradulations, again

(Y/O/N):* congratulations 

Blonde Boi: Yeet, bye!

Lyla: stop

King Explosion Murder has left the chat

(Y/O/N): I have to go to

Blonde Boi: aw, why?

(Y/O/N): School :(

Lyla: Well, I hope you learn alot at the new school your going to!

(Y/O/N): Thank you!

Lyla:    :)

Blonde Boi: remember to slack off

Lyla: @BlondeBoi stoop

Lyla: *stop

Blonde Boi: lol

(Y/O/N) has left the chat

Lyla: So hows school going for you?

Blonde Boi: gooooood 

Lyla: I have to go to bed, wish I could chat more!

Blonde Boi: awwwww meeee tooooo

Blonde Boi: yeet

Lyla: nevermind I wish to not talk to you

Lyla has left the chat

Blonde Boi: you make me sad sometimes

Blonde Boi has left  the chat

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