𝐸𝑝𝑖𝑠𝑜𝑑𝑒 3

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I'm back! I've put part 1 and 2 together. There were LOTS of things I didn't understand when reading this again, so I had to rewrite most of it. Now please enjoy it!! This chapter was 3,000+ words long.

"It can't be," Rayla said.

"the egg. It wasn't destroyed," Callum said astonished.

While they were talking, my ears caught a sound of pounding. I turned into my Moonshadow elf form. It consisted of having wolf ears instead of horns, but nothing else out of ordinary from a Moonshadow elf. I heard the commotion again, but no one was here in this room. I peered up from the boxes to look out of the steps to detect who was treading down the steps. The imposter that stood was Claudia. Her scent, clothes, and the way she had the Primal Stone with her everywhere gave it away.

"But how? why wasn't it destroyed?" Callum stammered.

Claudia stepped on the last step. The trio didn't notice her until she spoke.

"Because my father saved it, " She spoke.

Callum, Ezran, and Rayla both rotated towards the voice. Ralya swiftly stood her ground to protect the egg, maybe even the princes.

"Callum, Ezran, get Behind me," Claudia started, she prepared her hand to cast a spell. She continued to speak, "I can protect you from the elf". Her voice went deeper just as she mentioned the elf, known as Rayla.

The mood started to get really tense. I quickly shifted into my panther form. A bright glow was shown when I transform. The light was caught by them but didn't know what was appearing. Every one of them covered their eyes until the light disappeared, revealing me.

"It's the wolf," Claudia mumbled and groaned.

I got closer. She shifted her position to look at what was behind and ahead of her. The spell casting hand was still on the trio, but Claudia would sometimes switch it to me. Callum and Ezran looked puzzled to know why there was a panther.

"Hand me the egg. I won't let you take what my father has kept safe," Claudia declared, looking at the princes with Rayla then me.

As Rayla was about to open her mouth, I interrupted her, "Your father didn't save it. He stole it". Rayla then raised her blades at Claudia.

"That's a lie!" Claudia argued.

Callum went to the side taking Rayla's side. "Then, Claudia, why is it here?".

Claudia took a few steps forward not inferring what I'll do to her, but I was willing to rip her eyes out.

"My father took the egg to protect us, Callum, so the elves and dragons couldn't use it," she lied.

"What are you talking about? How can we use it?" Rayla exclaimed.

"Don't play dumb!. You know it's a powerful weapon," Claudia said.

It's not a weapon. it's an egg!" Rayla protested.

Claudia looked at Ezran to give her the egg."Ezran, don't be afraid. Walk towards me, and if she moves even an inch..." she took a step forward, doing a spell that crackled until her fingers finished the symbol, not releasing it yet.

Rayla stood her ground ready to attack. Her swords beside her. Claudia rose her hand with the lightning on her palm ready to strike Rayla.

"Just bring that thing here," she demanded.

It's not a thing! It has a mother, and it needs to go back to her," Rayla protested again.

"Your right. It wants its mother," Ezran agreed, almost understanding what it wants.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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