II: Little Darling

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"No! I refuse to let you take her from me- I'm her mother!" A woman yelled at two men dressed in blue; doctors perhaps holding a small child.

"We have no choice ma'am. We have a new law-" The man speaking was suddenly cut of by the woman slapping him across the face.

He stumbled slightly; passing the child onto the other man, a few rushed words went between the two men before the other guy took the child and left the room quickly.

The mother gave a scream. "GIVE ME BACK MY DAUGHTER!"



It kept repeating in my mind.




" Are you okay honey-!" My current mother came in to see me.

I realized I had put on a sweat and my heart was beating rapidly.

"Darling you screamed! Did something happen? You kept saying Evelyn.." She asked, sitting on the edge of my bed. Her hand caressed mine for a sign of comfort.

I pulled my hand away.

"I'm fine...thanks." I mumbled.

"Well then, alright. Sleep well this time." She smiled before exiting.

Evelyn? Who could that be.

After a short while my brain had relaxed and I fell asleep.

But it only took a few second's before a woman's voice had filled my head.

"Hi little darling... I'm your mother and I'm going to take care of you.. know I love you with all my heart."

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