Born to F#CꓘεRy

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Sitting lonesome in crude anxiety,

once again I lust after our deluded romance. 

Pins scatter onto the floor like 

rainforest birds cascading onto the streets,

creating seas of inked tattoos and broken colours. 

From this comes a river shivering down my gaunt cheeks

and autumn lightning parading through the cracks of 

a flawed innocence.

This I write for you and you only,

not for any thriving anxiety, nor heartfelt crudeness, delusional lust,

romantic stationery, not even for earth lungs, feminine 

elements or upturned rainbows. 

In the end, my darling, 

my river star, 

this will all be meaningless. 

To you, at least,

but to me, 

oh yes, to me,

every memory of us will be synchronized into my heart

and every smile, penetrating the pores of his


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