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tw! self harm
i'll put a '✄' when it starts :((

taeil had never came that day.

donghyuck was beyond annoyed, embarassed at himself for waiting so long. he felt stupid, frustration thick in his lungs when he thought about it. where was taeil? it had only been one day since then but it made his head spin. he wouldn't skip, that was his job! he was supposed to be selfish...not taeil! the boy felt like something was taken from him. his pride? maybe. he didn't know. all that he knew was that when he saw moon taeil he would kill him.

he was now in third period, clicking his mechanical pencil. the led poked out, getting longer and longer, until he clicked it down, shoving the led against the flesh of his thumb. he repeated this, a small grey dot left on his finger, looking kinda weird. he chuckled at it a bit, the stupidity of it. 
his smile small and lazy as he looked at it. 

but his short-lived amusement died down, realizing he had 30 minutes still left of this class. now, he couldn't have that, he was bored, and he hated the feeling of it. too many thoughts, too much time. so, he stood up, tucking in his chair and began to walk to the door. "where do you think you are going mr.lee?" the teacher snapped at him, raising a brow. "taking a piss teach." hyuck replied, sticking his tongue in his cheek. the teacher squinted at him "5 minutes, lee." he threatened, pointing a finger at the younger. "suddenly i gotta take a shit." donghyuck said, speed-walking out of the classroom, and into the halls.  

He raced down the hall, smiling happily, adrenaline coursing through him as he did. he loved the empty halls, not a teacher or student in sight. empty halls felt like his. his to run and play, do what he wasn't supposed to. he smiled brightly, determined eyes. he dared himself to get to the bathroom in 10 seconds, feeling giddy at the challenge. all he was was a kid anyway. he raced through the halls at surprisingly good speed, locks flowing behind him. 10, 9 , 8, 7 , 6, 5, 4, 3 , 2, 1-

and he slammed open the door to the bathroom, huffing happily. but, as he looked up he froze, eyes going wide 

there sat moon taeil, hunched over the sink, cuts littered across his beautiful, pale arms. and the crimson that spilled down them making a mess, scattered across the sinks counter. small little drips, against the white, some dripping down the sink like raindrops.  and taeil, oh taeil. he looked back at the other with glossy eyes, tear stained cheeks, and a frown on his pretty lips. he looked broken, the twinkle in his eyes gone, now just an inky abyss. empty.

donghyuck saw red. he stomped over to the other, clutching his wrists tightly, rage making him shake. "what the fuck is wrong with you!" he yelled, the other jumping at the volume. "where were you yesterday! fucking selfish! all you do is think about yourself!" he continued. "you...i was worried! you made me waste my time to fucking cut yourself!?" he boomed, shaking the other, hurt flashing in the others eyes.  "And your arms...your fucking arms! what the fuck did you do-" 

it was a little scuffle and then a slam. moon taeil had pushed the other against the wall, the boy slamming into it. he sputter as the fear filled his eyes, as he looked at the elder. but he wasnt looking at the taeil he knew before. this taeil was scary...dominant even. the elder was pinning him tightly against the wall. hand holding his arms together. it would've even been hot if blood wasn't running down his arm. he was shaking, but this time, with anger. his once puppy eyes had turned rouge, wolf like. he was frowning, but it felt as if the other had fangs. hyuck felt so small under his gaze.

"listen here brat" taeil practically growled, hyuck flinching. "i'm not gonna let you disrespect me anymore!" he boomed "i'm not gonna be treated like this again!" he said this time, more to himself the to the other. "i'm your hyung, you got that!? your alpha, your superior!" he spat. "i spent too much...so much fucking time piecing myself back together. and im not gonna let you ruin it!" he yelled, facade slipping down as tears filled his eyes. "im not gonna.." his voice broke. "its not gonna happen again, please" he whispered, letting go of the other and stumbling back.

donghyucks breaths came out ragged. even if the other was on the floor crying, he felt so...small. exposed. he was shaking a bit, shock coursing through him. the boy gulped and looked at the other, sobbing on the floor.  he began stepping over to the other carefully, biting his lip. 
"hyung.." he breathed, too quiet for either of them to hear. so he took a breath and tried again. "h-hyung." he said, this time a little louder, but couldnt be heard over the others whimpers. so, he inched closer, tugging on the others clothing. "hyung." he said, making the other look up, glassy eyes meeting the others. he wedged his arms inbetween the others, hugging him tightly.

the two had created a little world for themselves in that moment. donghyuck like a warm blanket around the other. the warmth like a summer day, draped around the elder, coaxing him away from his worries. and taeil, a cool nights breeze, like lying in a valley under the moon. despite the darkness it lit up the world. he lit up the world. and that's when the two collided, an eclipse. 

it was quiet, really quiet. hyuck had somehow found himself in the others lap, hands running through soft strands of blonde hair soothingly. he whispered 'its okay''s and 'its not your fault's as he rocked the boy, as he let it all out. after five minutes or so he took the older's face out of his shoulder, making eye contact as he wiped away the others tears. taeil gave him a watery smile as they pulled away. "let's get you cleaned up, yeah?" donghyuck said softly, smiling a bit. taeil nodded wordlessly pointing to the front pocket of his back pack. 

donghyuck walked over, opening the pocket and finding a small box of rillakkuma band-aids. he smiled a bit at the cuteness of it. setting it down next to the other and then walking to the roll of paper towels that sat on top of the dispenser. it had been broken for years, so he wasn't surprised. so, he wet the towel under the faucet, squeezing the excess out and walking over the the other.

he looked at taeil for permission, the boy giving him a curt not and slowly showing his arms. donghyuck swiped over the cuts with the cold towel, taeil hissing a bit when he cleaned some. the brunette then opened the band-aid box, taking them out one by one and placing them carefully on the cuts. when he was finally done he looked at the others arms, frowning. he hated that the other did that to himself, the images of the cuts branded in his mind. so he looked up at the other, lightly kissing each band-aid, pecks the only sound that could be heard in the small bathroom. 

he looked up at the older, "don't do this again." he said, sternly, eyes boring into the others. he then smiled softly, "but if you do, this time i'll be there to kiss them better, i promise."

wowowow hope that was okay.
hyuckil is finally starting tho :))

heres them,, except taeils blonde bc yes

heres them,, except taeils blonde bc yes

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