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Hello and welcome to my poem book. These poems follow my struggle with my recently diagnosed anxiety disorder with O.C.D tendencies that I've had for around two years now.

If you are looking to understand anxiety disorders I hope you gain perspective from my poems as it was one of the main reasons I started writing them. If you are looking to connect with the poems I hope you can find comfort that you are not alone in your struggles!

I do ask that you please be respectful of these poems being original and do not claim them as your own. If you would like to use my poems please, please, please give credit to me! I am sharing these poems that make me feel extremely vulnerable as they are my inner thoughts and I would be heartbroken to learn someone else has claimed them to be their own work. Please be respectful!

If anyone wants to reach out to talk about anything regarding my poems or if you are looking for a friend or someone to talk to I'm always willing. I'd be more then willing to reach out!

I hope you enjoy my poems and are having a good day or night as you read them. :)

Xx kerfuffled_

Anxiety Disorder with OCD TendenciesWhere stories live. Discover now