~ Day 3 ~ Chapter 1 ~

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¤Kou woke up finding Mitsuba sleeping next to him¤ ~Kou's thoughts ~ aCk i thought ghosts don't sleep~ ¤Kou got off the bed and got ready for school¤ ¤He sneaked past his brother and started walking to skool¤ ¤when he got to skool he saw Hanako~Kun Kou Walked up to Hanako¤ >Kou< "Hey hanako i have a question" ~Hanako~ "WhAtTtTtshjsns" >Kou< "Do ghosts sleep?" ~Hanako~ "No?" >Kou< "oH oK" ~Hanako~ "WhY?"
>Kou< jsnshsjjsjs "No ReAsOn" skskksk
~Hanako~ "uM oK tHeN-" sjjsjdhhsjsj
¤Kou went to clazz¤ --Ms.idk has joined the story as a teacher--     ^Ms.idk^ "Today clazz we are ganna learn"
<DD>"LeArN wHaT" ^ms.idk^ "IDK JUST LEARN-" >DD< "o k"  ¤after class¤ >Kou< "ima go home early" he said to Hanako and Yashiro ~Hanako~ °Yashiro° "ok" they both said ¤at home Kou saw that Mitsuba was still sleeping And he didn't want to wake him up so he went to sleep instead¤ -DD is me- ¤Mitsuba woke up He saw Kou sleeping ._.¤ <Mitsuba> "w h a t"t h e"w h a t" he said
¤Kou woke up tired he saw mitsuba awake and starring at him wierdly¤
>Kou< "u-um-" <Mitsuba> "O-oh s-sorry"
>Kou< "i-ima go back to sleep gn" -sksk-
<Mitsuba> "o-ok" ¤Kou went back to sleep and mistuba went back to the skool kskskkskks im not a vsco¤

Kou x MitsubaWhere stories live. Discover now