"Jimmy's mom!"

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(Carl's Dream)

"Oh Mrs. Neutron, you shouldn't have!" he exclaimed when he saw two red wine glasses and a large silver platter full of croissants just for the two of them, sitting perfectly on an exquisite antique coffee table.

"A growing boy like you deserves a good snack.." Mrs. Neutron told him lovingly.

They sat down on the cream colored loveseat, and grabbed their wine glasses.

"Cheers, Carl!" Mrs. Neutron chirped.

They then clinked their wine glasses and began to drink from them. Carl put his wine glass down and gazed at Mrs. Neutron in her beautiful, shiny, green eyes. He then began to hold her dainty hands, all the while she smiled earnestly at him.

He held her hands to his chest, and began to speak, "Mrs. Neutron, my love... I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Every waking minute, I think about you and me. My dream is for us to live in a nice house on the coast together, and take walks on the beach together while the sun sets. And at night, I think about me holding you tightly while we cuddle and not letting go. I love you..".

Mrs. Neutron looked at him with a shocked expression, but soon, a smile appeared on her face.

"Oh, Carl.. I love you too." She said to him, about to cry tears of joy.

Carl kept gazing into her eyes, he embraced Mrs. Neutron, and then leaned in for a kiss...

(Real Life)


"Not again!" Carl groaned due to the fact he was interrupted from his wet dream. 

He wacked the alarm clock off of the dresser and stretched a bit before hopping out of bed and walking to his telephone. He was going to call Jimmy and check if he could hang out with him today. He picked up the phone, entered in Jimmy's number, and then began to call him.

"Hey Jimmy... yawn... How are you doing this morning?.."

"I'm alright.. But today I found out that my parents are seperating for a while. I don't exactly know how long but-"

"Wait what!?!" Carl exclaimed.

"My parents... They are seperating." Jimmy confirmed once again.

"After years and years of pining after Mrs. Neutron, I finally have my chance!" Carl thought to himself. Carl's mind began to go places, and the only thought running through his mind was about the love of his life, Mrs. Neutron.

"Hey, Carl, you okay?" Jimmy asked Carl while he was beginning to space out.

"Oh, wha- Yeah.. I'm okay." Carl told Jimmy while he was still in a daze from hearing about Jimmy's parents.

"Oh ok.." Jimmy mumbled a bit.

"I was about to ask if you wanted to hang out today?" Carl added.

"Yeah, but, maybe just at my place.. I want to say goodbye to my dad before he has to move out for a while." Jimmy told Carl in a solemn tone.

"Perfect..." Carl murmured while thinking about Mrs. Neutron more.

Soon, Carl went to Jimmy's house in the afternoon. He saw a bunch of cardboard boxes out in the lawn, over half of those cardboard boxes had bananas in them. For Hugh to sit on of course. Hugh emerged from the house like the god that he is and proceeded to start dragging more of his belongings out while Mrs. Neutron watched through the doorway.

"That should be everything, Judy.." Hugh huffed.

"Good. Now, I think me and Jimmy should say our goodbyes before you go.." Judy told Hugh.

"Oh.. yeah.." Hugh sheepishly chuckled.

Hugh approached his peanut headed son for the last time and kneeled down to his level. Judy went back into the house to clean up a bit more.

Hugh began to speak to Jimmy in an earnest tone, "Jimmy, whatever happens between you and your mother.. Just know that we love you deeply.".

"Yeah, I know.. I'm gonna miss you." Jimmy whimpered.

"I will too.." Hugh sighed.

Hugh then threw his stuff into the back of the moving van, got into the van, and drove away into the distance.

Jimmy witnessed as his dad left him, not knowing when he would return. All the while Carl kept looking at Judy Neutron like a freshly baked cherry pie.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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