Chapter 1

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        Sitting under the florescent lighting, FBI agent Edward D Kaspbrak could think of only one thing: this is complete and utter bullshit.

         Henry Bowers was an overweight simpleton, in Eddie's opinion. Weighting in at 300 lbs, Bowers was large enough to crush every bone in his body. He was much taller than Eddie's 5"4, and his greasy hair was slicked back into a mullet style. He looks like a goddamn greaser, Eddie thought, and had to stifle his laughter. He knew his laughter wouldn't be appreciated.

        Eddie looked about the room, taking in every detail. There were two doors, one leading back in to The House on Lebolt St., the hottest club in Derry. Thinking about the club made Eddie irritated. How long had Richie been there, drinking up a storm and flirting with girls? While he was tied in this chair?

Complete bullshit.

The other door lead either outside, or further into the back rooms. Eddie wasn't sure, but the thought of going further into this labyrinth nauseated him.

There was a table, which had a handgun on it, and a chair opposite him. In it sat Bowers.He was picking absentmindedly at his nails, waiting for something. Or someone.

Eddie shuddered. The last thing he needed was for that asshole of a drug boss to come in here. He needed to get out. But how?

Eddie sighed, "I have'ta pee." He squirmed for good measure,  "And i'm sure your boss doesn't want that all over the floor, yes?"

Henry grunts, and looks at Eddie. He smiles nervously, lying was never one of his strong suits.

The first time he realized this was when they still lived in Pennsylvania. It was just him and his mother, when he was just seven years old. He had woken up from one of his very vivid nightmares, he decided a bowl of cherries would calm him down. Slipping out of bed, he tip-toed out of the room and down the hall. He snuck into the kitchen, climbing onto the counter to grab a bowl. He couldn't see very much in the kitchen, which is why he stepped to far and fell off the counter. His left arm hit the ground first, fracturing his elbow in four places. He let out a surprised oof , and curled himself up into a ball. 

His mother had took him to the hospital, but during the car ride he had asked him, "Eddie-Bear, what in the world happened?"

"I fell, " He sighed, leaning against the window, "I feel bad, y'know."

Bowers response was the same as his mothers.

"Of course you do."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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