Chapter 4

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Okay a friend of mine liked the story idk why but they did soo ima continue
I wake up. I open my eyes the sun was beaming in. The wind chilled my shoulders. I left the window open. Why did I do that.

I had such a weird dream. I dreamt I was fucked by dabi. Yeah. Weird right. Oh well I mean I'm glad it was only a dream

I roll over. Nope. Not a dream. I was fucked. My ass and knees hurt. Dabi and i fucked. He took my virginity and my first kiss. I mean I'm not angry. Should I be angry. Well I'm not.

I get up but fail. I crash down. Making a huge bang.

"Is everything okay hunny?"-president Mic

"Yeah just fell out of bed" I lie

"Okay hunny. Come down for breakfast in five minutes. Your dad is failing to make pancakes"-president mic

I chuckle

"I'll be down in a sec" I say

And with that everything is quiet again. Okay how am I going to get down stairs in this state. Ima fall down them and that won't be good all that needs to happen now is my hero alarm to go of but it won't be dabi. He will know this hurts like hell. I mean he must have down this before and was he planing it? Well he had that weird cold substance thing.

I crawl into my normal clothes and then steady myself down the stairs and balanced myself to the table.

"Morning- what happened to you?" Erasor head asked

"Nothing...I erm- hit knee! Yeah and now my knee hurts like hell" I say I think I'm quite convincing until mic gives me a weird look.

"How the fuck do you make pancakes!?" I hear my other dad yell

"It's simple" i then see mic go over to Aizawa and give him a lesson on making pancakes. It's so cute seeing them act like a married couple...wait they are one.

"Well I'm going to head out and I'll grab breakfast while I'm out" I say. No I'm not forgetting about my lower back situation but I can't listen to these two arguing over wether to put milk or eggs in first.

"Oh! Okay hunny but don't be out to long" mic days with a smile and then goes back to arguing with Aizawa.

When I try to stand up it works but hurts like hell. With all my might, I walk up stairs and see my window open again and a note on my bed. Curiously I walk over and see it signed from dabi.

Dear purple kitty,
I hope your okay from last night. I will keep an eye on you so you don't get hurt while wondering the streets and have fun today, if I have enough free time I will visit tonight and check up on you,
Lots of love purple scar (dabi)

He used our nick names? What a cheesy person. I roll my eyes and scoff. Like he will actually visit. He's always busy with the dude with hands crazy lady and the purple mist. He always hangs out with them more then me. Wait...why do I sound jealous. I'm not jealous. You know what, forget dabi I'm going out to have a skate. (A/N yes I made shinsou a skater. Totally not because I do it myself)

After putting on (he's changing again) a purple top black jeans with a chain and a black jacket around my waist, I slip on my shoes and leave the house. I still hurt but I love skating way to much to stop. As I reach the garage I now find it pointless in putting on my vans as I now have to take them off. As I take them off and place my purple and black roller blades on I realise they are colder then normal. Odd.

Word count -662

Heyo my beans. Thank you so much for all the support. I'm super glad you enjoy my writing. I'm sorry I haven't posted in a while...I've had to deal with going to school as I'm failing most classes which sucks and online school isn't helping. I was recently diagnosed with anxiety and this causes panic attacks which is a stupid thing to be worried about but I am. Ik you all don't come here for my sad sob story but yeah and one more thing

Since when did so many ppl read my stuff I'm actually over joyed thank you so much and 13 votes wow I'm so happy ^^

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Since when did so many ppl read my stuff I'm actually over joyed thank you so much and 13 votes wow I'm so happy ^^

Well tell me how your doing I wanna know what some of chu awesome beans have been up to ^^

Welp sorry for the shorty chapter but it's here

Byeee booooos

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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Late night snack (shinsou X dabi)Where stories live. Discover now